The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

For anyone who hasnt seen it and is a reality TV nerd, the new show Wrestlers on Netflix devotes a fair bit of time to former Big Brother superstar Jesse “Mr Pectacular” Godderz.


Knowing this show was coming, I was actually surprised they didn’t devote more time to Godderz than they did.

As a regular KSR podcast listener…

It is clearly way overdue but Shera’s cup holder is getting solved this week…

I know Godderz from his time in Impact as half of the BroMans.

One Piece is far and away the most popular manga/anime in Japan today (I’ve never read nor seen it).

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Yea I realize now how big it is. I had never heard of it before seeing the Netflix live action trailer.

Damn, didn’t even watch s1 based on the reviews, guess I know what I’ll be watching after s2 of Foundation! Which is stronger than s1 imo and quite worthy of a watch.


I am feeling the same way!! Skipping s1 to start straight on s2 and no one will convince me to go back unless the show is so damn amazing that I no longer care.

Having said that…prospects suggest I may soon be watching s1!

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I’m just shocked Cracked is still a thing.

Just stamp the ticket

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I doubt my kid is that stupid.

Well if you like one piece there have been like 800 anime episodes so lots of source material plus they wrote season two before the strike (although they can’t film without actors)

One Piece is a goofy anime but it’s worth giving it a try if you liked the live action version.

Just finished my second viewing of Justified. I hadn’t seen it since it initially aired. I remember really liking it back then, but I absolutely loved my second watch. Olyphant and Goggins are absolutely perfect in their roles as two of the most bad ass characters to ever grace a television screen. The ending is perfect as far as I’m concerned and this rewatch hurt my initially kind opinion of City Primeval. The location of Harlan was part of what made it all work so well. Justified was also funny as hell at times, which the new one was lacking.

I could ramble on and on but I will ask, do you ever finish a show and feel honestly sad and depressed that it’s over? I felt that when I finished Justified last night. I’ve watched the final scene on YouTube several times and read comments just for some sense of closure. I may just watch Justified again because I’m not ready to let it go. 10/10


They should have just said “fuck it” and figured out a reason for Dewey Crowe to be in Detroit.


Winning Time canceled after two seasons. I’ve enjoyed the show and would continue watching, but I don’t really mourn this news. Certainly hope this means they have other good stuff in the pipeline to fill Sunday nights properly.

That sucks…. But it will be awhile before I see the rest of s2. Max will probably delete it before I watch it.

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Anyone watched season 2 of “Foundation”? My favorite Science Fiction series since the Expanse. Probably not that faithful as an adaption of the book from what I read, but great nonetheless imo. And what series with Jared Haris has been bad so far anyway?


Just checked and can confirm the answer is:

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Boy Xfinity really doesn’t want to work with me on lowering my monthly price. I’m finally leaning toward switching to YouTube TV (unfortunately, it’s not cheap like it used to be) and I called Xfinity to see if they could do better on price.

Nope. All they did was try to pitch me on INCREASING my bill with faster internet or more channels or simply removing features to lower my bill. One suggestion that was valid was getting rid of my cable boxes, but if I’m going to do that, I might as well just go with YouTube or Hulu Live TV (which would also give me Hulu programming, ESPN+, and Disney+) because their apps are better.

There was once a day where companies would try to keep your business. Not now. If I drop cable, I’ll still have to pay out the ass for internet, but I would still save a solid chunk of change overall. We’ll see if I can make any headway when I truly call to cancel. Today’s call was just a threat, as I still have time on my YouTube free trial.

EDIT: She was all like, “Thank you so much for being a loyal customer for so long,” (over two decades), but wouldn’t thank me monetarily.

Just finished it. Improvement from season 1 imo. Highly watchable! Can go into details if you want. Been ages since I read the books, but definitely more of an inspired by situation than faithful adaption.