The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Sorry, forgot the sarcasm font. Banged out 10 episodes yesterday, and even thought I knew what was coming, it still got me.

I hear you. Chopper reaching up and holding Hera’s hand in the aftermath is crushing.

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Any last minute movie recs on max? Trying to finish out my subscription strong. Think I got to all the series I wanted to see.

They have an incredibly strong movie catalog with more recommendations than I can mention, especially not knowing what you’ve seen. You can use this to see their catalog sorted by popularity, and I like most of their most popular ones: Max Movies - movies to watch on Max (

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Popularity, great for tipping me to that. Will help me see what I am missing.

Remembered I never saw the new avatar. Is it worth watching in a home environment ?

Edit: quick look list of potentials to see

Avatar, The Menu, Parasite, Hereditary, Insidious, Amsterdam

Lots of horror there because I normally balk at horror unless it is more suspense oriented. I know that is probably confusing.

Recommends from that list would be good. I feel like I have heard good things about The Menu.

Actually haven’t even seen the original Avatar, let alone the new one, so I’ve got no insight there. Been meaning to get around to filling that resume gap for a decade or so.

Yeah I loved the original but I think mostly for the 3d theater experience. Looking at the max popularity list I see several I want to see (added them to my above post) before avatar. I would probably want to watch the original again, since I saw it twice in theaters and not since.

The Menu was solid but nothing special IMO. I did enjoy it for what it was. I get why Parasite gets coded in some places as horror, but that’s really a secondary genre for the film. It’s really good. It is foreign-language and does require more singular focus than something like The Menu does, but certainly it’s the higher-quality film between the two. I haven’t seen the others you singled out.


I watched Avatar 2 at home. I didn’t feel like I missed anything, but much more into plot than the 3-D experience, so I might be the wrong person to answer. It was basically the first movie, but with water.

I loved The Menu, but I’d agree that Parasite should definitely take priority.

Parasite should take precendence on that list

and if you want a fun horror movie that I think should be ahead of the ones on your list, Barbarian if you haven’t seen it


Ah cool. Saw that on there. I am going to watch parasite today, will try to see barbarian later.

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Avatar stunned me at how instantly bored I felt. I thought the first one was awesome as an IMAX 3D experience. It is technically marvelous but otherwise nothing special.

Barbarian and Hereditary blew me away. Watch those ASAP.

Parasite also amazing but I can see the description as a secondary genre film. It’s not paced like a commercially popular movie.

They just added The Flash if you haven’t seen that yet.

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Barbarian was great…and I am NOT a horror movie person.

I guess I enjoy creativity, and it was definitely that.

Parasite, Hereditary, and The Menu are all amazing, as well, imho.


Haven’t seen Parasite so no opinion on it but I would watch Green Room over everything on that list.

I didn’t love Barbarian but it was a big hit and most of the people I know who avoid horror loved it so it’s definitely worth a watch.


Oh haven’t seen Green Room either.

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I liked green room a lot

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Strong agreement. Patrick Stewart as you’ve never seen him before.

Finished Sopranos Season 5. One more to go. Intense way to end but you could see that development coming a mile away. Still, a great season, great show, and it’s easy to see why it was so heralded in its day.


Most people felt season 5 was the weakest too and season 6 (maybe some have season 3 as best) was the strongest so enjoy

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