The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Only one show never truly recovered from adding Kelsey to the cast.

It was all downhill from here.

…Frasier was on Wings?!


Ohhh the days when a 46 inch TV was something legit to get excited about

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Yeah also Norm and Cliff

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The last time I upgraded my TV, I was thrilled with the size of it. A week later, it occurred to me that I had only just gotten that TV and my eyes had already adjusted to it as the new normal. In the immortal words of Don Draper, “What is happiness? It’s a moment before you need more happiness.”


I would be much more worried about Kelsay Grammer’s turn into reactionary conservatism in the past few years. Expecting some cringey jokes about cancel culture, etc.

Grammer has been a conservative as long as I’ve known of his politics; have I missed something new from the last few years? He has long openly supported prominent Republican candidates, but I’ve never really known it to seep into his work. He strikes me as more of a Chris Pratt than a James Woods, someone who doesn’t hide his politics but isn’t out there saying a bunch of super racist shit.

They have also already previously established in Frasier canon that the Frasier character is left of center, or at least left enough to get indignant and oppose a far-right candidate that his father was supporting. This was a natural direction for the character and I doubt it was a bone of contention with Grammer based on what I’ve known. I don’t know; I just don’t think it’s likely for Grammer to tank this by making it Last Man Standing 2.0. I do expect it to fail, but just not for that reason.

The Trump years were kind of a litmus test for whether someone could in any way be considered an “acceptable” conservative, and KG kind of failed that test as I recall.

Dad died and with him went the idea of a normal blue collar cherry pie Yank pricking the brothers’ pretentiousness. I guess one of the new characters will attempt to fill that gap.

I loved the original but rewatches were a little painful - comedy is often like that. I’m not expecting much from this tbh. Frasier Crane is a very UP character who needs a foil.


Oh I agree with that, but I just think that’s a separate question than injecting those politics into his work. He also doesn’t have every earmark of the sort of conservative that really wants to lean into right-wing culture-war shit:

Morgan jumped on one principle he thought the thespian might not agree with. "Are you as violently opposed to gay marriage as so many of the tea party candidates are?” he asked.

Grammer wasn’t aware of the tea party’s beliefs on same-sex marriage and said, “I wouldn’t sign on to that. … I guess I’m more Libertarian in that way. I think marriage is up to two people that love each other.”

None of this is to defend his overall beliefs or him as a person. It’s just to say that his track record suggests that he’s enough of a normie to leave it out of his performances.

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Fair enough.

Lol I often think of Frasier Crane as “unstuck politics, the man”


Liked the live Ahsoka episodes. A couple nits with the way the actors played the characters, but think Dawson and Winstead are great fits for the part.
But I did forget a bunch of the history, so have to go back and re-watch season 4 of Rebels. Such a chore.

Ahsoka spoilers

Thought the Sith apprentice was just playing around with the non-force sensitive, hasn’t trained in years, former padawan. The droid jedi were cool, but I think they lasted a little too long (against the Ahsoka I recall). She really should just walk right through them. Or pick them up and throw them away.

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Lol the episodes are like 20 minutes long.

I really liked that they recreated the epilogue scene from the Rebels finale in live action.

IMO Rebels holds up better on rewatch than Clone Wars does, since it’s telling a fairly tight and concentrated story for much of it rather than airdropping you into various self-contained arcs.

But honestly, if you consider it a chore then I can’t see why you’d do it. Onus is definitely on the creators of this show to make it accessible to people who didn’t even see a second of Rebels, let alone people who have seen it and have just grown a bit fuzzy on the specifics of it with time.

Just got to this episode on my watch, and while, yes, this is terrible, the episode actually has a really fun marijuana subplot that is equal parts unrealistic bullshit and hilarious.

They also do the exact same scene five minutes later, better, with Terry Crews… so, while that scene gets rightfully dumped on, the episode as a whole is a solid B+

Ever imagine you’d see Quark on strike?