The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

My wife took a call from the FOP and politely declined, then very loudly said “Why not? Because I don’t fucking want to. Is that a good enough reason for you?” Pretty solid imo.


I was a telemarketer for a couple years for MCI/Worldcom in 2000-2002 or so. Right during the whole Bernie Ebbers fraud thing. Our call center was not quite as bad as the one depicted in the documentary but pretty close. Unlike the HBO call center ours did pay commission which could be very large if you could sell. I was only working 15-20 hours a week there in the evenings when I was in college and was making like $30,000 a year which was an enormous amount of money for part time at that age. That being said there were all kinds of ethically dubious things they encouraged you to do and it was an awful place to work outside of the money.


I telemarketed for a chimney-sweeping company for one (1) day. Other one-day jobs I held around that time: canvasser for MASSPIRG and dishwasher (I think I may have made it a week as a dishwasher).


I have been looking forward to this for quite a while. Been to a few OVW shows but not while they were shooting this.


The Bear Season 2-1/10

I’d like to give it a good rating but if you keep bringing up Coach K you have to get a 1/10. Those are the rules, I don’t make them. We can’t encourage the use of Coach K.

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Rian Johnson put up the shooting script for the Poker Face pilot.

Down to my last two days of trial and I am on season 3 and struggling to the finish line on GS surprisingly. It’s a good show but not the best binge imo.

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Ah yeah I wasn’t clear.

The series is a PERFECT binge right up until the end of season 2.

Do not pass go. Do not collect season 3.

At that point it’s like they forgot the point of the show. I have no idea if season 3 ever got any better. There’s no way to save a show that makes the entire premise moot.

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This made me think of Togetherness on HBO. It was really good and then midway through Season Two either the Duplass Brothers got bored, or were told there would be no season 3, or something, but it just collapsed in a heap.

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Finished Siren: Survive the Island. It was good, I enjoyed it. There’s not a lot of team based reality show athletic events out there.

Good to know I can safely quit. It was a good run tbh so thanks for reminding me of it. S3 and frankly the end of S2 when Miles is in prison have not been enjoyable. Before that it was great imo.

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That’s the thing. Until that moment, it was firing on all cylinders. Wtf happened?

I loved the FBI getting drawn into the movie industry the same way as the mob. The scene when they’re reviewing the cinematographer’s reels and deciding well it’s really quite something actually, maybe they SHOULD pull strings to get him taken off the no fly list…

I thought lol they def have at least one or two more seasons to go as high as the president or something. See how deep the cover up can really get simply because of the sudden opportunity each new person feels to leave their empty life behind and be a part of a movie.

I am generally not a deus ex machina fan however I think having April blackmail or pressure Lawrence to exert influence to let Miles out sooner would have been good. It isn’t like the series hasn’t been riddled with unlikely things that have saved Miles’s ass. Also the entire Amara/Ray Romano jungle shit is awful. Wouldn’t Romano’s character as we know it be super relieved to be free of Amara since she can’t come back to the states? The idea that he loved her so much to go live in a hut in the jungle is fucking insanely ridiculous considering what happened before that.

Granted I am like 2 eps into S3 and might be quitting so I might have missed a few things.

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My thoughts as well. Betrayed the essence of everything that made the show compelling.

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I have to know…Am I a bad person for liking The Newsroom?


If it makes you feel better I loooooved the West Wing and stand by Season Two to this day.


Oh man, the sappy rah rah America first bullshit is not for me, but I have and probably always will enjoy behind the scenes TV Shows about Tv shows. Sports Night, 30 Rock, The Morning Show, The Newsroom, and even the godawful Studio 60 all feel very homey to me

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this scene never fails to make me laugh


the larry sanders show??

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