The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Bobs burgers, futurama, and American Dad all make excellent fall asleep shows.

Silicon Valley is a joy of a rewatch, there is so much that hits on second and third watches.


Wings is another who’s existence I never knew until today. Will have to check it out.

Exactly how long have you been living in Japan?

Farrah Forke (Alex) is dead as well

Mid to late 90s and then again since 2015. Also was a stretch back then when I didn’t own/watch TV.

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I’ve seen Silicon Valley so many times.

Entourage also delivers every new watch. So many little moments and Easter eggs.

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Ballers now on Netflix yay!!!

I watched it on first run on HBO. This is such a fun sports show. Dwayne Johnson plays a retired player after injury trying to make a new career as a financial manager.

And you know he gets no R-E-S-P-E-C.

Reminded me a lot of Entourage if about sports instead of movies.

Justified reboot was good. A few other things. They have all the fx shows. I don’t have any cable at all so it’s good for that too.

Oh yeah in the middle of watching the apartment murderers show, which people seem to be split on.

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Interesting list. For me a lot of rewatchability especially in comedies is comfort. Or ability to have it on in the background without paying full attention.

I actually used to rewatch ncis like crazy. I probably saw the first ten seasons a dozen times. I stopped watching it around season 17 or so I think.

I haven’t tried to rewatch mad men, but I think it might not offer that comfort level. Although every rewatch has a baseline of comfort because you are familar with the main beats of the show.

I would put it’s always sunny up there with curb.

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Mash is another show I could rewatch endlessly.

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The fx catalogue on hulu is so strong

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Aw that’s a bummer, rip.

One of my favorite things about SV, is that they kicked TJ MIller to the curb and did not let him anywhere near the finale. Its the perfect spot for him to come back and they were like “lol nope, fuck that guy.”

Thats not to say Erlich is a bad character. He absolutely isn’t, but Miller is such a POS that I was glad the character never comes back


Speaking of SV actors, Chris Diamantopoulos has an absolutely bonkers IMDB. He has to be one of the most prolific That Guy actors out there today, and his VO work is top notch. A series regular in Inside Job, Pantheon, Invincible and Ducktales, as well as the current voice of fucking Mickey Mouse. He’s also one of a very select few people who have survived a run in with Jack Bauer


And of course his stint as Russ on SV is perfect. Nobody could have nailed the character like he does.

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I love the show, but it doesn’t seem like it was necessarily one of particularly exacting moral standards here. Miller seems to have hopefully been the worst person there, but my sense is that him not being brought back is some combo of him being personally unlikable and the show probably feeling like it didn’t want the image hit of even giving him a cameo.

I’m not inclined to dismiss the broader complaints made here (even though Miller was singled out as the worst of them): ‘Silicon Valley’ Actress Says HBO Comedy Stars Enabled T.J. Miller’s “Bullying” – The Hollywood Reporter


Just rewatched SV for the first time since it aired. It was still great, I had forgot how amazing Jared’s character is. I don’t remember how I felt about the finale when it aired but I thought they nailed it now.


Agree there. I didn’t envy Deadpool 2 and Ready Player One for needing to make a similar decision whether they would cut him too.

His character was very funny, but that’s a testament to the writing. Exhibit A is how hard Yang swung for laffs as the replacement character.

I also thought how they handled the character leaving was pretty funny and tangled well with the real-world meta surrounding why the actor was gone.

Jared got not only the single funniest moment of the series, but one of the funniest moments I’ve seen in any series ever.


Maybe I am misremembering but I also do not remember much of a fan request for the actor to be there, just for the “character” to feel resolved.

Totally different than something like Smallville where Michael Rosenbaum hadn’t played Lex Luthor since season…4?

Okay since season 7.

But even at season 11 and the series finale, the fan outcry would have been awful if he hadn’t come back.

It helps that Michael is a fantastic actor and seems to be a delightful human being. The kind the studio enjoys working with and is looking for an excuse to drop into a franchise finale cameo.

TJ Miller apparently has/had a brain malformation that might have contributed to his behavior. It’s real enough that the Amtrak bomb threat charges were dismissed because of it.

It’s a tough situation - a person who has gone malevolently insane but also has medical issues that are involved, and it’s difficult to tell to what extent. I had this with a close business associate who had a history of drug addiction and erratic behavior, was much better for a long time, and then went completely off the deep end. Then, years after I (and many others) cut him out of my life, he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He had done some very awful things and it was just impossible to re-open that door, but I felt terrible and very conflicted.

Big fan of this insult stream.