The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Cheers, Seinfeld, Curb, Wings, Sunny


Never a wrong time to pop on American Dad. Thatā€™s my go-to tv show when Iā€™m falling asleep

Iā€™ve rewatched twin peaks the return an incredible number of times and it continues to thrill

Always sunny, family guy, seinfeld all solid shows to rewatch and not be bored rewarching


American Dad is so damn good. Also love Family Guy but American Dad is elite and not enough people know that


Never seen it or eve heard of it. Where can I watch?


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And like many other half-hour comedies, I would suggest being patient in the first season. Once they figured out the characters and tone of the show it really shines.

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much like season 1 of seinfeld, where kramer was a pod person who never left the apartment building, roger starts the series as a drunken alf-like character, but once he starts putting on outfits and leaving the house the series flies

also in s1 they started from the perspective of a political satire with george bush and the war on terror so watching it now itā€™s a bit of a relic. smartly, the showrunners pivoted to more evergreen family comedy. for a new viewer iā€™d start with season 3 and go back to seasons 1 and 2 after you finish all the new episodes and need more

or it might be fun to start at s1 and watch it develop idk how patient you are


10-15 years ago Seinfeld was my go to comedy rewatch but Iā€™ve slowly stopped watching it. Same with The Office.

Curb is a favorite, Workaholics and Broad City Iā€™ll just turn on random episodes in the background and have seen some of them 10+ times. Sunny is probably my number one, there are so many amazing episodes and I love the characters.

For non comedies Iā€™ve seen the first 4 or 5 seasons of GOT 5+ times, The Wire and Sopranos a few times. But I never just turn on a random episode of those shows.

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Sopranos by a wide margin, Mad Men (more so the first few seasons than the last), random Seinfeld stuff, random OG/TNG Star Trek stuff, did a full rewatch of the Wire ofc.

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A fellow Wings fan, love to see it. Thereā€™s probably not a single female character on NBC that I didnā€™t have a crush on in the early 90s, but Crystal Bernard was one of the first.


Watch it again. Slower, this time.

I read somewhere that Wings was referred to as ā€œCheers 2ā€ by somebody or multiple somebodies, and honestly I get it and view that as a compliment to Wings. Great ensemble cast, great setting, and they totally ā€œstuck the landingā€ on the finale. A show very much deserving of itā€™s 8 season run and one I love to cruise through every 3 or 4 years. And Alex was the babe of the show lol

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Cheers, however, did not particularly stick the finale. The Office gave the proper example of how much you use a departed former series lead in the series finale after Cheers showed how not to do it.

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Interested to hear why you think it was bad. I thought Cheers finale was great. I didnā€™t love Shelley Long but the character of Diane was so important to Sam and the show that I appreciate them bringing her back and giving closure to Sam and Diane. And of course, the final shot of the series mirroring the opening shot of the series was beaitiful.

My main complaint about the last few seasons is that Joe becomes way too hammy, like about his hair and stuff, I liked that he was well delineated as the straight arrow mr. responsibility guy and you donā€™t quite get that at the end, except when Brian and Casey burned his house down. I donā€™t know Cheers that well, should dive into that actually, but Wings is in the same universe, maybe not technically a spinoff but there was more than one Cheers crossover. Produced by the same people afair.

Yeah Alex left too soon. Underrated feature of the show, the set was amazing, havenā€™t watched in a while but can picture it vividly.

More underwhelming than bad. Iā€™m all for bringing Diane back in a limited capacity the way that The Office brought Michael back, but I donā€™t think spending most of the screen time of a series finale on giving Sam and Diane another episode really did anything for that story, and I think it was a shabby way to treat the ensemble who had actually been carrying the show for years without her. And it sounds like the cast felt much that way too.

I loved the little nod to Coach at the end, but thatā€™s kind of the only particularly good memory I hold of that finale.

Yeah there was definitely a slight change to Joeā€™s character that I didnā€™t care for either. Brian is my favorite character on the show and Iā€™ve loved Steven Weber forever as a result.


I could see you wanting a threesome with Helen and Fay.

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Men who got involved with Fay had a tendency to die, I would not for safetyā€™s sake alone!

Rebecca Schull may still be alive, letā€™s see. Yup, 94, Biggins passed away like 6-7 years ago I believe. 2020 actually, March 28, not covid though, heart attack.

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Nah, Gus was kinda boring. Everything he did was about money or revenge, and was always mostly predictable, if not occasionally elaborate and theatric (the spiked tequila). The killing of Victor was a lame cop-out, and him continuing to do business with Walt was fairly out of character.

Lalo on the other hand, you never knew what kind of crazy shit he was going to pull. From the travel agency murder to the sudden shooting of Howard, and his escape from his villa . Just a much more exciting villain all around than Gus imo.