The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I had to backfill The Jerk into my watching resume quite a bit later. Earliest memories were Father of the Bride and Roxanne. And then I would rent old best-of SNL tapes from when he was on. Have definitely loved him since childhood.

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The Jerk, at the time, was a classic, and Steve Martin was at his peak.

Sh!t. Shinola.

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I can distinctly remember the first time I saw The Jerk as a child/teenager and laughing so hard at “he hates these cans!” that my stomach hurt.


Late to the diplomat party, but last ep spoilers

Overall very entertaining. Cliffhanger endings are pretty out of vogue for a reason. Finding it pretty hard to believe that the prime minister of Britain would use the [strike]Wagner[/strike] Lemkov group to carry out a hit on their own ship.

Seeing potential for the show to go completely off the rails, hopefully they bring it back in to the level of the rest of s1.

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John Wick was great. 3 was a bit weak imo but I liked 1 and 2.


Emmys likely moving from September 2023 to January 2024 (tho they’re hoping the strike is over so they can air in November).

Hoping based on what? Have there been any talks so far?

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There was talk about talking. I wasn’t entirely sure what “discuss resuming talks” meant, but it sounded like Bart Simpson promising that he would try to try.

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There is nothing but blind hope and willfully ignoring how well these strikes have gone every other time in history. A swift and agreeable solution is extremely unlikely.


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One argument I heard for a swift resolution is that studios can’t afford to lose writers and content. After 90 days, the force majeure clause is in play and all sorts of things could collapse.

But studios DO. NOT. CARE. I mean maybe they care to an individual about projects, but the same thing will happen that happened in the WGA strike back in 2008. Studios will shift to “unscripted” reality TV programming. We STILL haven’t recovered from that fallout. It’ll only get worse.

I want to know where Nikki Finke is this strike,

AMPTP and WGA are having an official bargaining session Friday. Instigated by the AMPTP.

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So they really went with that ending for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds.

And in other sci-fi TV news, there’s an animated Babylon 5 movie this month.

Excellent season overall. I checked time left in the finale several times.

They were decent, about on par with the other seasons.

The Paul Rudd character was really annoying. I know that was part of the character, but I think they went a bit overboard.

Anybody watching Untold on Netflix? Roughly hour-long mini-documentaries on various people or subjects. Looks like it has been on there for a while but I just recently got back on to Netflix so my knowledge is limited.

We have watched two and both were good imo. One was about Johnny Football. We didn’t learn a whole lot we didn’t already know about him, other than perhaps that he never once watched a single millimeter of film during his entire career. But really is that even surprising?

The other was about Tim Donaghy and his cohorts. We learned a LOT about those guys that I never knew about, and it definitely makes me look at both the NBA and particularly David Stern very differently than I did before. If you watch, let me know if you do too.



My faves so far:

The Girlfriend Who Didn’t Exist
Breaking Point

Finally finished Better Call Saul. A stunning final season, final episode, and final moments. Can’t believe how far the show cleared all expectations that it would be a soulless derivative of Breaking Bad that might last one or two regretful years.


Better than BB, for me.