The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I gave up after the first season.

I wonder how much of Westheadā€™s ā€œspeechesā€ are real.

Adapted from the article:

I love this show. It is extremely queer allied. I promise itā€™s just the first half of the breakdown thatā€™s about the bad rep in a single episode.

The other part is about the AWESOME gender funky rep in season five.

Found out that there was a Roast Battle Canada (hosted by Ennis Esmer and featuring Russell Peters as a judge and that it is currently in its third season. Since this is exactly the humor I love, I binged the first two seasons to listen to some impolite Canadians talk shit to each other.

For those that are fed up by post apocalyptic fiction (like me): The bolded is a bit of a misrepresentation; what the movie is about would have worked totally without nukes imo. Itā€™s an excellent movie and discomforting in itā€™s realism, but not like The Day After or something. Btw it has some magic realism going on! :transmet_smiley:

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Lol you got me. Def more like Never Let Me Go, but not QUITE as brutal an ending.

First two episodes of season 3 for Only Murders in the Building dropped last night. Seems like a strong start


I was underwhelmed by Only Murders season 1 and then just dropped out entirely at some point in season 2. I have great admiration for Steve Martin, so itā€™s bothersome to me that he has a fairly popular project and I donā€™t seem to like it.

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How old are you? I think it skews to an older demographic both in pacing and the writing.

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Iā€™m 43. So I wasnā€™t alive when Steve Martin made his initial big splash, but I lived through what seems like the latter half of his biggest success as a comic actor. Iā€™m very much into his usual style of humor. Martin Short is hammier in a way that straddles the line between funny and annoying, and I can generally take or leave him.

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Only Murders has a legitimately great theme song and title sequenceā€”a real rarity these days

To me, Only Murders is the definition of ā€œfineā€. My wife likes it and we can watch together. I would likely never watch it on my own. Itā€™s comfortable and occasionally amusing. In general Iā€™ve had more Jane Lynch than Iā€™ll ever need, but sheā€™s great on it.

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Iā€™d imagine a huge part of it getting made was the touring that Steve Martin and Martin Short did, but I agree with LFS, itā€™s fine. I only finished watching the 2nd season because I saw a preview of season 3 and am a recovering theater nerd.


That is a ridiculous amount of Matrix references in a single trailer lol

I really like that theyā€™re reaching for a new kind of dynamic set within the same universe as John Wick rather than trying to repeat the experience of a JW movie.

If the show is half as fun as the trailer :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Slightly off topic but are the JW movies worth watching if you havenā€™t seen any of them? I assume so if there are spinoff TV shows. Anyone know where they are all streaming?

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I hadnā€™t seen any of them until #3 came out. I turned on #1 assuming it would be a generic action movie I could have on in the background while I did some computer work. My eyes were absolutely glued to the screen for basically the entire movie. 5 bags


I give it 1 bag, totally generic and boring action movie that I turned off after 45 mins. Note, I generally donā€™t like shooty action movies. But loved the hell out of mad Max fury road.

I have finished most of season 1. Hope season 2 is as enjoyable, and of course 3.

As for Winning Time, I am almost done w s1. Love the casting on this show and John c. Reilly has been amaze balls the whole way. Still remains fairly farcical, but good stuff. I also didnā€™t know how the coaching drama played out. My memory didnā€™t include coach jack at all, and had westhead as the coach, then into Riley.

Women do have mostly shit parts and there is a lot for wasted talent in that regard.

Aww man. The first r rated movie I ever saw was The Jerk, whom my dad unknowingly took me and my little brother when we were kids.