The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Not yet but must say I am very interested given that 1) the new hosts omg!!! and 2) I thought the movie the winners made was interesting BEFORE knowing it was from the new season’s winners.

That’s a point in its favor given that the previous seasons were amazing but the movies we got out of them were uh…



Dang might not end before my max does but I am a diehard green light fan. I even watched The Chair (starz rip-off of green light)

Wife and I just watched the first episode of this new Star Wars show called The Mandalorian.


What’s Star Wars?

I think the writers of From do know what the answer to the central mystery of the show is, I’m less convinced that they have any idea what they’re going to do to fill time until the reveal, or that it’s going to be particularly interesting when it is revealed.

The first half of season 2 was SO BORING but it redeemed itself in the second half. One problem is they’re trying to do this ensemble show thing but a lot of the characters are mediocre actors playing thinly written parts and they’re not selling their characters as a result. A non-exhaustive list of characters I don’t care about AT ALL would include Jim and Tabitha’s entire family, Kenny, Sara at a minimum. Imagine you were trying to describe the character of Tabitha to someone who hadn’t seen the show. What would you say her character traits are? What kind of person is she? I’ll wait.

The show would probably be unwatchable without Harold Perrineau in it, Boyd, Donna and Jade are the only characters I actually enjoy watching I think. Randall is kind of fun I guess. That’s about it.

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The subject of a famous scientific study


It’s my favorite instrument

So, speaking of vile POV characters, I’m watching The Shield for the first time. Just a handful of episodes in so far. It’s quite good, I’m into it, but, whereas I understood Walter White and Tony Soprano to be objectively terrible people and would still often root for them, I just hate Vic Mackey’s guts and don’t root for him in the slightest.

They occasionally give him sympathetic moments, and they’re obviously framing his adversary the captain as someone I’m supposed to hate, but those things bounce right off of me; I want Mackey taken down. It seems like there’s a decent chance this is what they want the audience to feel? But those factors I just named make me doubt that. I don’t know; seems like a pretty unusual structure for the show.

Anyway, interested to see where it goes. Definitely has a compelling overall ongoing plot.


Yep that’s the through line of the show. He is way more anti than hero. It is an unusual structure for sure. Only show like it I can think of.

Trust me. It’s sooooooo worth the ride.

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Ive heard him described as an anti-hero with no interest in being a hero


These two get into a great discussion of cop movies and TV shows and other stories featuring cops that might have a bad guy main character.

Breaking Bad and The Wire 25:00 ish

Discussing The Shield around 29:00

I can see where it would be described this way, but he does seem to take moral offense at certain things in the same way that any number of bad people still have somewhat normal moral sensibilities about specific things. When things take place such as crimes against children, he does seem to want to be the hero in those situations and in those specific circumstances he’s closer to being a Jack Bauer than just a full-on mustache-twirling villain. Obviously this sort of nuance is basically required for someone to be a truly great character, so I’m glad that aspect comes across even if it does very little to garner any of my sympathy.

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PSA the new Justified has started streaming on Hulu. 1st two episodes up I believe.


The Shield stinks and I’ve never been able to finish it in multiple tries. And I’ve finished nearly every critically acclaimed series that exists. I can never get past the middle seasons they are so boring and terribly acted.


Finished The English and loved it.

The ending got a little confusing to me (I’m never 100% watching TV, always doing something else at the same time) but I’ve pieced it all together I think. Only thing that’s a little unclear to me: we’re to understand that Melmont gave the syphilis to Cornelia, right? Presumably via rape? Maybe that was spelled out. In any case, when did the rape take place, during the time that Melmont showed up in England and tried to pass off the story that Thomas had massacred the Indians?


I don’t think Vic ever gets portrayed in a sympathetic light. Enjoy the show. I have watched it through multiple times. I am a big fan.

I think overall it’s more he can sometimes do the right thing as a police officer, whether it’s for the right or wrong reason.

Disagree. Strong disagree.



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