The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

It’s free and you will not possibly regret watching it.

Note who plays his wife :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:



She may appear nude if anyone is interested in that sort of thing. But yeah, TimeCop rules


Timecop just moved to the top of my queue!

Also on the topic of Street Fighter the movie, the Godzilla visual gag is one of my favorites, it’s so goddamn stupid. There’s a whole scene explaining why there’s a miniature city on the base; the only reason that scene is there is because the writers really wanted to set up this dumb visual gag. I’m not even sure if they ever explained who the Japanese soldier is. It’s a surprisingly complex setup for so little payoff.


Report back. Cool sci fi/time travel elements and JCVD roundhouse kicks


To me, Timecop is a great movie JCVD was lucky to be in rather than a bunch of movies that were great because he was in them.

I think that’s a fair assessment but also some of his better acting work. He and Ron Silver do a nice job of each playing 2 different characters and I really buy his pain in the future version of himself.


timecop also features one of my favorite lines in cinema, when they walk in on the guy having VR sex and the guy says “looks like safe sex to me!”


I am getting addicted to Korean TV, there is a lot of it on Netflix. My current obsession is The Glory. It is not objectively good TV, but I love it unapologetically. Do you want to see a woman who was abused by school mates in high school come back decades later on a vengeful mission to ruin their lives? I think I’m in love.


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I think so too. He can be good. I am comparing him to someone like Ewan McGregor who stood out as giving an outstanding performance in Attack of the Clones despite being in a very bad movie vs Vin Diesel in Babylon AD being fine, just fine.




maybe the best Coca Cola commercial ever ?

(I remembered about the shirtless fight vs a tiger in the colosseum, the explosion and the vending machine, but I’d forgotten this was all while holding a newborn baby, so many ingredients to that scene lol)

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Omg are they bringing back Ninja Turtle pies?

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No Charlie got the last ones in existence unfortunately

Great episode of Silo.


You may also want to check out Itaewon Class, which also has a similar vengeance theme.

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Fans of It’s Always Sunny should check out Bupkis. Or at least the parts with Charlie Day.

It’s the new Peacock series starring Pete Davidson again as himself. I’m this modern day story, Pete’s movie King of Staten Island just came out, his mom is played by Edie Falco/Carmela Soprano (who nevertheless brags she was played by Marisa Tomei in the movie), Joe Pesci plays his grandfather, and his therapist is played by Charlie Day.


Agreed, made up for the ones before that!

I dont think I’ve watched a full episode of it’s always sunny.

Is it work going back and doing the whole thing? Or jump in midway?

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Sunday nights aren’t the same now :confused:

I need a new blockbuster to start my week with, some appointment tv

Yes absolutely. I’m on S13 of my current re-watch and it’s incredible to me just how many bangers there are. They really hit their stride in S2 and it’s just off to the races from there. They’re on S16 for christ sake. Sunny is top 3 all time comedies for me.