The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I think theres more there than that. But still, I’m a little uncomfortable.

This article discusses what I’m thinking in more depth.

In sopranos specifically.

they play a lot with the theme of men’s reactions to the assault. And especially with wanting the audience to wish that Tony meets out revenge. It’s done with a lot of nuance and thought. I’m just not sure that the fact that the play with the trope of rape being about men, necessarily makes it’s better. I dont know.

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Depends on what you mean I guess? It’s definitely about how important belief in something is to many people, particularly in times of distress and heartbreaking loss. I wouldn’t say it’s either pro- or anti-religion really. But faith and religion is absolutely an important part of the series.

If you’re not into shows that go into heavy themes, the abstract and takes its sweet time getting there, it’s probably not for you. From your posting I would guess it very much is a show you’d enjoy.


I’m always watching this, it is one of my go to throw a show on while I’m messing around or when I just want something funny. Defintely some episodes that miss but the later seasons have some great ones. I was watching Family Feud the other day and remembered that Sunny did an episode in that style in the 10th season and it is hilarious, one of my favorites for just laugh out loud moments. Keegan Michael Key kills it as the host.


Starting leftovers for the first time. I stayed away because I thought it was a tv adaptation of the Left Behind christian novels about the same basic thing.


Lol I totally thought the same thing. :joy:

I wish Kirk Kameron would do a recap series for movies and TV shows like this, but then I would probably only laugh for ten or so seconds

I did two episodes of Leftovers and really struggling to continue, but Sarah Margaret Qualley is :fire:

The third episode is my favorite for Season 1 (other than the finale). I’d at least watch that one before deciding to bail.

I like to imagine Nicolas Cage was a pilot during the pilot of the leftovers

how did i just now realize that Connor (Alan Ruck) was the same actor who played Cameron in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, and he was 29 when he played that character, and he’s 66 now, only 10 years younger than Brian Cox.


I’m usually great at recognizing actors from previous roles from long ago, but I never realized this guy next to Al Pacino in Scarface:

was the same as this guy from Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul until after those two shows were done:



I hadn’t made that connection till just now!


He’s got a good supporting role in Primal Fear also that bridges those two periods.

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I’m fond of his role in Gleaming the Cube

Holy shit. Haven’t thought of this movie for decades.

I always have recognized him quickly in any role he shows up in. I am tuned in to Cameron spotting.

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if he didnt have the beard in Succession i probably would have recognized him, he still looks exactly like he did in Ferris Bueller without it


He didn‘t have the beard in the pilot:

I think he does have it once they have the therapy session at his ranch.

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  • I know who Alan Ruck is and am familiar with his work
  • I don’t necessarily know the name Alan Ruck, but I recognized the actor playing Connor and knew he was Cameron in Ferris Bueller
  • I knew I recognized the actor playing Connor from somewhere, but didn’t really know who he was or other things he was in
  • I did not recognize the actor playing Connor
  • Other (please explain)

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Funnily enough as I am too young to have seen Ferris Bueller in the cinema and as it wasn‘t on German TV a lot, my initial thought was: „Hey, it‘s the guy on the bus from Speed.“ I did know he was in FB, but I couldn‘t tell you the character‘s name.