The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I couldn’t wait for her to die on rewatch

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True. But she still gives some incredible moments with Tony. The Satriale meat flashback is amazing.

bring amanda seyfreid back for season 2 of The Dropout and i’m fucking in

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no way! my last rewatch i was dying laughing at livia and tony’s reactions to her bullshit. when she died i felt like the show went down a notch


Just finished watching season 1 of The Bear. Really enjoyed it and I am curious as to how it tackles its new reality in s2.

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S3 EP4 of Sopranos was intense.

Absolutely. She was really integral to Tony’s story and losing her probably hurt the show overall.

I’d be there too!!! The performance that all others will be judged against.

Probably one of redeeming scenes.

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Do a rewatch starting w s3 and see what you think. The first two seasonsis full of filler schlock like busting out the sporting goods guy, livia and ritchie. Even the pussy arc is weak shit compared to the s3-s6 stuff imo. I mean do we really need a whole episode about livia and her geriatric friends wrecking her car?

Also possible I’ve just started like 10 sopranos rewatches and mostly quit so i have seen those seasons a ton.

Yeah. I didnt love it be honest.

Yeah, hard to say I “loved it” as parts of it were hard to watch, but the key scene of the episode was as intense and (presumably) realistic as any such scene I’ve ever seen on TV or film.

And though still don’t know if anything meaningful occurs afterward based on this episode, the final scene felt pivotal in terms of Tony and the Doctor’s relationship moving forward.

As an aside, the one-legged Russian is quickly becoming my favorite Sopranos character.


Ritchie story line is amazing!!!

richie death is one of the best scenes. Then Tony and Janice as hes putting her on the bus. "Yeah Janice. We are burying him on a hill… above a stream… what the fuck do you care

That was one of my objections. It’s a trope that women get assaulted in order to move the plot or a character forward.

I will have to give Leftovers another go, because I quit after a few episodes thinking it was boring. Boardwalk Empire is underrated. Michael Shannon was amazing as Nelson Van Alden.

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Speaking of re-watches, I’m currently doing a re-watch of It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia in anticipation of the new season this week. I think there were some misses or dips in quality in the later seasons but seasons 2-5 are just filled with one banger episode after another. I was laughing so hard i was crying during the recession episode.


I remember almost giving up, but I think episode 5 or 6 in season 1 really hit hard.

Is leftovers not some weird religious thing? I think that’s why I skipped it first time around.

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If the sole purpose of the episode was to go through all that just to solidify her commitment to working with Tony, then I would agree it was overkill.