The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

It’s very much a show that you need several episodes before it hits, at least to me.

Similar to how some people felt about Severance (although I loved it from 1.1.1)

Finished succession and Ted lasso, loved both, I shed some tears in the last 3-4 ep of Ted

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The same. But! I read an interesting retrospective that helped me appreciate the show and give me enough context to skip everything and just watch the final episode and go wow wtf.

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imo you should try The Leftovers. The Sopranos is zeus, it’s not going anywhere, you can rewatch it the rest of your life. Also there’s a bunch of overlap in the themes that The Leftovers explicitly takes on and some of the themes that you’re into. Human condition stuff. It isn’t for everybody—it wasn’t always for me and it doesn’t have as many moves as some other shows you’re into—but for anybody who really likes tv and storytelling The Leftovers is for sure worth a watch. The first season is polarizing, but overall the show is thoughtful, it tries some cool things, the music (Max Richter) is great, and it’s only three seasons so not a huge commitment. If you don’t like it I doubt you’ll think it was a complete waste of time, and I definitely have a few rando friends floating around for whom everything The Leftovers was shooting for clicked exactly right and they think it’s the best show ever.


The leftovers is great. I just finished my sopranos rewatch and am way overdue for a 2nd trip through leftovers. Feel like it has been long enough that i will have forgot enough to enjoy it again.

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I remember not really liking The Leftovers much for the first few episodes and by the end it was definitely one of my top ten shows


With a show like The Leftovers, I have tried it enough to know I’ll have a far better experience reading the Wikipedia.

Sort of like Siskel saying a movie needs to be better than a documentary about the main cast eating dinner together.

I feel like that’s where recaps and stuff save a lot of shows. They bridge the divide between the experience of watching the show for unsatisfied viewers vs the intended experience its biggest fans have organically.

But to your point, if it was a choice between watching Sopranos again for the tenth time, I too champion watching Leftovers instead.

The shameful part is I feel the same way about Sopranos that I do about Leftovers. I tried it several times and gave up. I appreciate that those two shows deliver an experience for lots of people that I don’t share.


A man of taste and culture I see :face_with_monocle:

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You being anti mobster entertainment is my only red mark next to your name. (Don’t know if you are against all mobster stuff but there are a couple of glaring examples) :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Since we’re discussing Leftovers - did Nora lie? I think it’s more likely, but want to believe she really did go to the alternate world and got to see her family. I do like that the show left open the question of what actually happened to everyone that disappeared.

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I’m not anti at all!! It’s one of my favorite genres. I just listen to what I’m experiencing and if I gave a show a shot but it doesn’t do it for me. Sometimes TV shows are like people. Awesome on paper but for some reason just no spark between you two.

Sopranos AND Goodfellas ! :sob:

New season of Orange is the New Black going interesting directions…

Kidding that’s Elizabeth Holmes :astonished:

Would you watch a show?

I think she lied, but I’ve only watched it once and probably should fire it up again

Leftovers spoiler

Season one of Sopranos is very heavy with toxic people, toxic families type themes. Mrs Rugby started it and was like “I get this at home. I dont need to watch it for fun”

Those themes never go away, but theres a lot of other stuff added in.

It may be worth starting at season 2 and seeing what you think. Read the recaps of season 1 so you know the plot points.

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I skipped the first 2 seasons this go round and it was so much better. The entire livia and richie arcs are awful imo.

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That is a hot take.

Season 2 has some of favourite episodes.

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Oh man, ragging on Livia is a cardinal sin imo

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My problem is that I want the show itself to be as fun as this thread talking about the show :popcorn:


Livia was a one note and tired character by roughly half way through the first season. It just is awful on rewatch imo.

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