The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

  1. The turbine hasnā€™t been opened up like that in generations. Nobody thereā€™s grandfathers ever did that kind of work, so it makes sense that theyā€™re feeling it out as they go.

2,3. This was wild, I was surprised she wasnā€™t scalded to death when she was swimming in this water that has to be >50C. But I guess her character is very selfless and didnā€™t want to put anyone in this most perilous situation. Good person to make Sheriff imo

  1. I didnā€™t notice this either
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I read a few of his early novels before he was big, especially the series about people developing super powers.

But I never knew Martin was so involved in television since the 80s. Heā€™s made more TV shows than novels!!

I gotta check out his episodes of that decadeā€™s Twilight Zone.

Silo (caught up/current up)

Iā€™m sticking with it, but the constant ā€œsecret/mystery behind every cornerā€ stuff is annoying me. It feels very designed to keep the viewer watching without revealing much at all.

This is a pretty good assessment of how Walking Dead shit itself


Silo ep3

Fair that they didnā€™t know exactly how to go about it, but it seemed like they hadnā€™t even discussed even the rudiments of a plan.

Also fair that she couldnā€™t ask anyone else to risk their life on the spot. But why didnā€™t they think of this evidently very viable option to extend the time they had to do repairs beforehand? They were already super tight on time.

Fair that you didnā€™t see it, but the people in the cafeteria must have no?

Anyway, still like the show!

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Just a thought but what is the harm in having dedicated threads to each show so people can openly discuss without spoiler tags?

I think it was doomed to end this way, the premise of the show only had so far it could go, two seasons was probably the limit.

Aint nobody got time for that. Iā€™ll just say I enjoyed TWD up until the end. Sure, they storylines got really stretched out towards the end, and the last 3 seasons felt like they couldā€™ve been packed into one, but whatever. Maybe the problems were less noticeable to me because I always binged the seasons.

Iā€™m excited for the Rick & Michonne spinoff coming next year.

So the problems started when I was cast.


If there is demand we can do it. The problem I see is that people often forget to use dedicated threads (or donā€™t know they exist) and post in the main thread.

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What did you like about this show?

I tried a few times and every time felt like wtf this is forced, artificial, terrible writing that no performance could ever save.

But itā€™s acclaimed! Even on this board.

Help me see it from your POV plz

There is no harm, it just takes one person to start it. I asked people if we should have an MCU thread, people said no, and I eventually decided to say fuck it and start one anyways.

Did you get around to this? Pretty sweet after 2 seasons imo.

I assumed people did see it but just hasnā€™t been revealed yet that they did, I donā€™t see how the writers could say people didnā€™t see it.

No, couldnā€™t get wife on board. But Iā€™ll take another run at it. The Soulman seal of approval undoubtedly carries some weight.

couldnā€™t disagree more about the writing! at a most basic level, find the best thing about the show to be its sense of humor. can totally see how it may not be to everyoneā€™s liking with the rapid-fire deliveries and the endless super-witty replies, but the awesomeness of the writing is not only in the dialog and her stand up, but also in the stage direction (think Iā€™m using this term correctly). the show is like more like a well crafted play at times (the Odd Couple comes to mind as a comparison) which adds a frantic energy in all the right ways and can only work well with highly skilled performers.

then thereā€™s the storyline. a mom of two gets dumped by her philandering husband in an otherwise idealized version and relentlessly optimistic portrayal of a Jewish family in 1950ā€™s NYC, and channels her pain into comedy. her brilliance is recognized by Susie, a down-and-out club manager whoā€™s constantly referred to as a man, and Lenny Bruce (of all people) who serves simultaneously as a muse and a cautionary tale for Midge and the audience. and thereā€™s also the ever-present sexism and misogyny (and racism and homophobia) that undercuts her act, career and the show.

and itā€™s great to look at. Roseā€™s coats alone are exquisite.

I could keep going, but this should give you a sense why it was so loved


Ty I wish the experience of the show was to my taste. Thankfully it was to a lot of other peopleā€™s.

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Man I hate to say it but is Silo blowing it? First 3 episodes great, last 3 nothing happens other than more questions and then the dreaded flashback episode this week. Cool :+1::+1::+1:

I posted something similar upthread, itā€™s gotten pretty annoying. Itā€™s been downgraded to a show that I put on while working out.