The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

and in real life the woman who played the oldest grandma was actually younger than both Bea Arthur and Betty White! (When the show started Estelle Getty was 62 and they were 63.)

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I walked a picket line with Estelle Getty in 2000 when SAG struck the commercial producers. She just happened to be driving by and had her driver pull over so she could come join us. IIRC she was using a walker at that time, in any case she wasnā€™t moving around very well but it was still awesome as hell.


I think a lot of people think Roman is younger than Shiv because heā€™s short. Height-ism ITT.

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What was the point of Gerri walking in there? Red herring?

To show she is still inside even after being fired twice.

He does have that boyish charm. I think everyone instinctively views a caulkin as young.

I also pictured Roman as the youngest

Jerod From Subway doc is super brutal. I feel like that whole scandal was totally undersold to the US public.

My wife is a Succession superfan and she thought Roman was the youngest.

Iā€™ve always thought shiv was youngest but canā€™t remember why. Totally makes sense that this is a grey area; hereā€™s a note from one of the shooting scripts:

ā€¦Iā€™m guessing I got it from cast interviews but idk. It turns out HBO has also always listed her as the youngest sib on character bios on the website. Iā€™m sorta surprised they never made it more explicit because while itā€™s not a huge deal itā€™s also not nothing

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of all the heavy hitters, for me Gerri (and Karolina probably?) were the best at knowing how to slalom through all the corporate politics and tectonics and bullshit. They had the most moves and could have landed on their feet in the most number of outcomes. Frank and Karl were formidable in their own ways but they could also lean on a more shameless Yes Man card that didnā€™t seem as available to the women. One of the most depressing parts of the show (and life) is how effective the Yes Man strategy seemed to be. The ultimate example being Tom, who for four seasons jumped at every chance to become a human footstool to his bosses and rode that rising tide of lickspittle all the way to the top. Sure itā€™s just the top in name only, but thatā€™s all he ever really cared about.

I have to admit I donā€™t have much experience in corporate culture but the true power brokers probably rarely want to be CEO/the face of the company. Way too much public scrutiny and the like. Having a Tom be your front man to take the fall makes 100x more sense than being a large scale owner of a company and being CEO like a Roy kid or the Swede.

What sane rich person would want to deal with that shit when you can probably do the same thing by just installing a Tom like puppet without all of the scrutiny. Of course you have the Elon types that are basically Kendall Roy in real life but most actual power brokers in the world are that desperate for attention. Quite the opposite.

Insight on one of the issues the writers are striking over:


Richard Brecky, the silent performer on ITYSL, absolutely killed me


Only 3 eps in to S3 but ITYSL is pretty damn good. Maybe not as good as the first two seasons but still amazing by overall TV show standards.



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S3 may not have as many instant classic sketches as the previous seasons but I also think thereā€™s fewer pure misses, so overall just as good.

"Itā€™s got a bush? What the hell?


You should be able to watch a little porn at work!


Silo ep 3

Some lazy writing here around shutting down the turbine for maintenance.

  1. The mayor agrees to a shutdown that night - and it turns out the engineers have NO PLAN for how to do the maintenance. Really?
  2. When it turns out they need to cool down the can, Nichols herself goes to do it - putting the entire silo at massive risk by not being available to do the critical work only she and her shadow can do. Guessing pretty much anyone could cool down the fan, exceptā€¦
  3. She hits a big, red-glowing fan with water from a hose from a short distance without any protective gear except a pair of gloves, but somehow isnā€™t cooked alive.
  4. When the power goes out, you briefly see the real, verdant outside flicker into view in the topside cafeteria. But - no one seems to notice, and itā€™s not discussed at all afterwards. Again, really?

Disappointing from an otherwise very interesting show.

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bummed by the end of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. the first couple of seasons were elite and overall loved the first four seasons, but they made some terrible choices in the last season and did not stick the landing in the finale. I didnā€™t cry once ffs.

there were some very bright spots throughout the season, like most of the Gordon Ford plot leading to her big break. But the time jumps were the biggest problem, and (other than the sequence in the first episode with adult Esther that I thought was great) largely didnā€™t work. And almost entirely ignoring the Lenny Bruce storyline was just criminal in the context of the show as a whole.

really good show overall, but it didnā€™t leave us wanting more. tits down

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