The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Just finished Sopranos S2. Amazing TV, but something left me puzzled in the finale:

After having initially suspected Pus of working with the feds, Pus managed to convince Tony otherwise. Then, in the finale, based on nothing more than food poisoning induced dreams, so strongly does he suspect Pus that he rushes straight to his house to confirm. Seems somewhat implausible?

I forced myself to watch the series finale for Flash and it was terrible but Iā€™ll be damned if they didnā€™t end with the birth of Nora Allen and now itā€™s my favourite episode.

Plus I think Zoom might be the dumbest speedster of the entire show, and yet heā€™s my favorite. I guess because heā€™s not a real speedster, heā€™s a drug addict who canā€™t quit Velocity 9 lol. Happy to see him return for a bit however briefly.

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Am I the only one who didnā€™t realize Roman was older than Shiv until just now?

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I did think he was the youngest.

We donā€™t need an Australian Office. Write something new, you hacks!

Finale of Ted Lasso is excellent.

Itā€™s nice to have a nice show. Also:

I love that they brought basically every character back for the finale.

Yeah it was a little clunky, and I chalked it up to another of a decent-sized list of issues that crop up because the show had so many writers and directors and they just needed to get his plotline resolved. But it was their way of saying that Tony knew or at least suspected subconsciously all along imo.

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You should read the guardian review of it. It absolutely hated it for basically the exact reasons you liked it haha.

an even bigger fuckup that you may not have noticed in ā€œCommendatori,ā€ when Pussy and his FBI handler meet at a party store, and Pussy is all paranoid about getting seen and then does get seen by Jimmy Bones the wiseguy Elvis, theyā€™re at the party store right next door to the Bing.

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Best I can do is Spanish Breaking Bad

Until when? How long did it take for you to figure it out? Are you saying that, like me, you didnā€™t know until now?

Correct. Itā€™s not something to which I had given much thought, but afaik your post was the first time Iā€™d heard that Shiv was the youngest. .

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Iā€™ve genuinely enjoyed watching Harriet Walter three times a week in Silo, Succession, and Ted Lasso


Well, thanks. I feel better knowing I wasnā€™t the only one.

Sopranos s2

i think he knew all along. He was lying to himself because Pussy was his best friend and he didnt want to believe it.

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Iā€™m several years behind on The Flash and Iā€™ll probably never finish it but RIP to a real one, what a show.

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I didnā€™t know until I read your post.

Just realised something.

Iā€™m older now that Tony Soprano was in season 1ā€¦



The golden girls were 51-63. Lol

Sopranos s2

I always felt that Tony sort of always knew but he was in denial and he finally came around to going with his gut