The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

that was before they inherited from Logan. I think they had their own shares AND whatghey got from Logan

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Itā€™s this for sure.

The Succession finale if written by AI



Call me a simpleton, but I wanted to see Kendall get the company at the end. Didnā€™t seem implausible in that despite being a buffoon, he kept coming through in the clutch toward the end, such as during the shareholdersā€™ meeting presentation and the funeral speech.



Why didnā€™t the Lukas Matsson/Ebba relationship stuff come out when she was giving info away to Kendall? Roman licking the cheese was the best scene of the season. Maybe the series.

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loved it. great series. ideally it would just go directly from season 1 to season 4 and itā€™d be perfect, but then weā€™d all be left wishing for more, so we got our wish. iā€™m satisfied. 5 bags



Itā€™s probably a bit of this, but I also think that sheā€™s not quite as calculating as she sees herself. In her mind sheā€™s this very capable person who thinks five steps ahead. In reality sheā€™s only sometimes that (like when siding with Matsson, and that was perhaps one step ahead), and even when she is, sheā€™s not very good at it (like not getting the CEO job).

Like Roman, sheā€™s also very much controlled by her feelings. Losing to Ken just seemed too much for her. I think it was more that than her thinking Ken wouldnā€™t be a good CEO (which is obviously true too) or getting back together with Tom.

Bascially not giving her much credit for being too strategic in her choice.

Also, Roman in his final scene: is he a tiny bit happy with how it turned out? The genuine smile (which admittedly quickly turns into a more somber mood) certainly hints at it.

Yes, Roman is relieved. He knows he was never built to be some big baddy CEO. He tried to go full Logan this season, but it didnā€™t work and just made him have panic attacks. Heā€™s free now.

And yeah, Shiv going with Tom wasnā€™t a shrewd calculated move. It was the lesser of two evils. She was going to lose either way - she wasnā€™t going to be CEO - but at some point in that short time before the vote, she snapped and realized once and for all that she couldnā€™t let Ken be CEO, despite the fun they had the night before (not sure if it was when Ken put his feet on dadā€™s desk or if it was during his little speech in the boardroom or just a combo build up of everything since walking into the building).

She still wanted to be part of the company, she still wanted it ā€œin the familyā€ to an extent, so she went with the option that gave her that. Shiv certainly wasnā€™t happy about it - that was plenty obvious during the car ride, but I think thereā€™s still a chance she and Tom could have a decent life together now that the conflict of the sale/succession is over.

I saw some theory that Shiv and Tom may have actually discussed her vote before the meeting, but Iā€™d have to look at the evidence further.

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Hard disagree on this one. They are going to continue to hurt each other and will be the worst parents since Elon Musk.


Oh, sure, thatā€™s likely. Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s a ā€œchance.ā€ Theyā€™ve shown enough instances of trying to reconcile/be/nice/try again and both have shown the ability to make nice with others after blowups that itā€™s a non-zero chance that they could have a non-terrible life together.

Iā€™m not sure if Tomā€™s offer of the car ride was an olive branch or a power play. I think the former, as could have just left Shiv at the meeting. Plus, she was the last one of the two of them to offer some sort of reconciliation, so him offering the ride plus his hand was a ā€œletā€™s try.ā€

In the end, they are all awful and thatā€™s the fun of it.

That car ride, thoughā€¦man. Awkward.

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Hey, welcome to I Think You Should Leave Season 3 day.


Iā€™m seriously afraid to log in.

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Just finished S1 of Boardwalk Empire since my main 3 shows all ended in the past two days. So far, so good, except they kind of overdo it with the crappy 20s tunes.

I see it was created by Terence Winter so weā€™ve spent a lot of time counting Sopranos actors who have showed up so far (basically all of them other than Tony and his immediate family so far).

Just watched the first episode. Mostly OK until I got to the driving crooner and lost my shit.

They should all have to give all their money to Connor. He is the only one who deserves it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Early on, when Abrams and others on the creative team gave Harold Perrineau the full-court press in hopes of convincing him to join the cast, he had been in two Matrix films and Romeo + Juliet. He also played a key role in TVā€™s brave new golden age: He was part of the ensemble on HBOā€™s provocative prison saga Oz. Lost was not going to be as edgy as shows like Oz, but securing Perrineau was, as they say in the industry, a big get. ā€œHarold had one of the biggest careers of all of us when Lost began,ā€ noted Daniel Dae Kim, another member of the cast. ā€œHeā€™s a very talented actor. And I thought his work was some of the best on the show.ā€

[Harold Perrineau] knew the risks of talking to his bosses about any of this. ā€œThat was the thing that was always tricky. Any time you mention race, everybody getsā€”their hair gets on fire, and theyā€™re like, ā€˜Iā€™m not racist!ā€™ ā€ Perrineau said. ā€œItā€™s like, ā€˜Nope. Because I say that Iā€™m Black doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m calling you a racist. I am talking to you from my perspective. Iā€™m being really clear that Iā€™m not trying to put my trauma on you, but I am trying to talk to you about what I feel. So can we just do that? Can we just have that conversation?ā€™ ā€

When that interview came out, it set off a furor among some Lost fans, but the consternation behind the scenes was worse. Perrineau said he was accused by some of playing ā€œthe race card.ā€ No one wants to be defined by one aspect of their identity, but neither do people want to feel forced to suppress who they are so that others never feel any discomfort. Perrineau was thrown because, once again, there were no good options on the table for him. ā€œTime outā€”I get to talk about being Black, you know? ā€™Cause I am Black. You can ignore it. But I get to talk about it. The response from ABC was like, ā€˜Oh, we always loved Harold, but he may be just angry that he left the show,ā€™ ā€ he recalled. ā€œIā€™m not angry that I left the show. Like, thatā€™s what I think as a fan.ā€

They did Harold wrong.

deleted sorry

I think that marriage is fucked, shiv is never ever gonna be able to handle the power reversal, and as a mom by far her most likely outcome is that she turns into her own mum. Totally agree that everyone is awful and I think the pro move as an audience member is avoiding conversations about who is the most monstrous monster, but that said, I think itā€™s significant at the end where Roman is calling himself and Kendall pieces of shit (even though given Romeā€™s psychology he has by far the least distance to go to get there). But thatā€™s simply not a conversation that Shiv is equipped to deal with.

similarly, disagree with Melkerson about how Shivā€™s final decision was relatively flaky and that she should have figured out her tactics upon hearing the news at momā€™s house: thatā€™s not realistic, she was lawrence taylor blindsided by that news, and it was the biggest news, it was the coup de grace to her entire funhouse mirror sense of self-worth. I donā€™t think her decision to vote against Kendall was even something she had landed on until minutes before the board meeting: not until Kendall overplayed his hand in his typical dumbass way and started playing dressup CEO. Seeing Kendall in the chair was too much reality and she knew that no matter what he couldnā€™t win, it bubbled up from a deep place of rejection and damage and the die was cast.

Ironically if the Roy family had a twenty-year reunion then Kendallā€™s defeat is the only thing that might save him and give him the tiniest splinter of a chance at an examined well-lived lifeā€¦but naaaaah. I think the show had many main themes that were constants from the first episodes, and one of the biggest of all is that itā€™s really hard to change. Maybe especially for birth lotto weirdos who are to the manor born, then raised inside a reality tv show. The primacy of this theme is one reason that I was never super fazed about how the plot was the same plot literally every episodeā€”it was part of the point. And again to support it: Iā€™m pretty sure 100% of the music on the show were just variations on the one main theme. Yes, even L to the OG (which among other things threw some bonus Well-Tempered Clavier in there).

I thought the show also spent a lot of energy trying to root down underneath why that isā€”why change is so difficultā€”and one of its biggest ideas there was about how patterns of abuse get passed down and ramify. ā€œMan hands on misery to man / it deepens like a coastal shelf / get out as early as you can / and donā€™t have any kids yourselfā€ etc. For example it was pretty clear that Romanā€™s eulogy was fucked from the moment in Ewanā€™s (perfect) eulogy when he tells the story about how their parents let Logan believe he had killed their sister with polio. I mean christ who does that? Something clicked for Roman there, it was a piece of the puzzle, and he was an instant human 404 error. Another image that was hard to forget was Loganā€™s getting out of the pool during the family therapy episode at Connorā€™sā€¦all those scars from old family beatings on his back

One of the things thatā€™s been trickiest for me in the show is to not out-and-out root for Tom, but I think (fingers crossed!) thatā€™s just because the acting ride Mcfadyen was on was like a mt rushmore tv acting performance; for me he had so much to juggle and he completely killed it scene after scene after scene. Amazing stuff. But Tom, while not being as greek tragedy defective as the siblings, is merely a more conventional complete powerhungry ogrish piece of shit, who uses assistants as human footstools and buries rape/murder scandals under the sea and in his spare time stays in a loveless marriage for access while eating tortured birds for dinner and his own cum for dessert. Not that thereā€™s anything wrong with that clovis, but it goes to his capacity for humiliation. Hah, honestly the only time his sense of shame surfaced was the kabuki of covering his head with an 18-inch napkin while eating the ortolan bunting bird. And his shame was nowhere to be seen when he shot his shot in the decisive conversation with Matsson, where he sat politely while Matsson talked about having sex with Shiv and then ended his soft pitch with ā€œI give the customer what he wants. I donā€™t think itā€™s my place to offer dietary advice.ā€

of the main players Tomā€™s the least awful, and what can we say about that besides wow. Thereā€™s that scene on the porch in Lincoln where he says to Grant, ā€œweā€™ve made it possible for one another to do terrible things.ā€ So this familyā€™s like that, just the opposite. And it sucks because the terrible things the Roys and ultimately the Menckens are doing are being done largely to us, their shamelessness is our collective undoingā€”until the pendulum morphs into a guillotine, which it always does.