The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

She could have figured that at Momā€™s house. Or anytime before they get to the board room. For her to come to that conclusion only at that moment is a Roman move. Itā€™s nearly exactly what Roman did a couple of seasons ago when he went into the board room intending to vote against Logan and then flaked out at the last minute because he couldnā€™t bring himself to do it.

Itā€™s not wrong for Shiv to have a bit of Roman in her. Itā€™s just weird, because she has always been portrayed as being nearly the opposite of that. Itā€™s not so much that she went against Kendall as it was the last minute, flaky nature of her decision.


I felt the whole scene with Shiv walking out as the deciding vote was just too over the top to create drama, and sort of ruined the moment. I did think that the discussion between the three was good, especially the Roman comments at the end, but felt it would have been better to have that discussion earlier and never have Shiv flip.

I also thought it was a bit unrealistic that half the board was voting for Kendall - at best heā€™s a mediocre version of his dad, but they are turning down a huge premium to roll the dice with him. I think it would have been better to have Kendall go in there thinking he has the votes (with or without Shiv) and then just have everyone vote against him.

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Yeah, that would have been better. Also

Iā€™d have loved a bit more detail on how they flipped Stewie. We donā€™t know a lot about Stewie, but we know enough to know that heā€™s going to need a damn good reason to turn down a fat stack of cash. Kendall running Waystar canā€™t possibly be it. Heā€™s knows Kendall well enough.

I could see Ewan sticking with the kids. Thatā€™s in character for him. Everyone else, WTF? Why?

Or why is Ewan voting for Kendall. Kendall just gave a big speech about how great his dad was and how he wanted to be like him - youā€™d think Ewan would rather take a chance with GoJo after that point.


Ewan knew what a POS Logan was and voted on his side fairly recently despite that. He seems like a family first kind of guy. So in his mind Logan > Kendall > Some rando Swede.


One of my favorite parts and the funniest (to me, anyway) was that this whole thing almost got blown up by Greg going James Bond with his translation app.

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Guess how I answered:

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This would have been better


Sounds like GoT, the TV version anyway


i think it was the whole. Not letting him win thing. Roman basically had a similar breakdown in the scene prior. Also. Theyve always been super flakey. They all just change direction on a dime after a 3 minute conversation. I think itā€™s very much in character

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Roman and Ken have been quite flaky, but Shiv much less so. Sheā€™s very calculating. The classic Shiv move would be that once she realizes that she can go with Tom, she would shake him down for something. Basically what Greg was trying to do with Kendall, but with superior execution. Just giving it to Lukas and Tom for nothing doesnā€™t seem like her.

More Succession

Can someone explain about Kendallā€™s kids? It sound like Roman was saying one was adopted and one wasnā€™t. Is that right? Were we supposed to know all along that one was adopted. She sure looked adopted, but I donā€™t remember anyone saying that outright.

I think he said one was adopted. The other was ravaā€™s but not his.

Edit. Sorry. Spoilers.

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Succession shiv

She was making the play to protect her interests by supporting Tom.

It sounded to me like Roman was saying that the other was a result of Rava cheating on Ken without his knowledge. However, rumors aside, everyone (including Ken) just assumes it to be Kenā€™s biological child.

Itā€™s a little unclear but I believe one is adopted and one is Ravaā€™s by way of a sperm donor (the ā€œfiling cabinet guyā€). And I guess the implication is that Kendall is shooting blanks.

Is this something that was hinted at before the finale, or is it completely new info?

New info to me for sure, although it definitely seemed pretty clear that their daughter is a different ethnicity than the rest of the family.

Did they ever spell out what they were each supposed to get if they sold? or was it some mystery amount but a lot?

I donā€™t think the amount they will get from the GoJo deal is spelled out. The best information I can think of is that Logan offers Kendall $2 billion to buy him out in Season 3. Since we know the deal is at a premium, Iā€™d guess itā€™s in the neighborhood of $3 billion.

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