The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

imo Jeff Bridges has always seemed like a chill dude but it’s not like he’s famous for being a super meticulous communicator. Like if you asked him to describe the plot of the 1980s movie Tron it’s pretty easy to imagine him saying Yeah man I play some guy who gets sucked into a freaking computer and he becomes a part of all these crazy video games

I guess it could be a joke if the joke is “hey you guys are talking about getting obsessed with playing video games…but I played a character who became part of a video game!!” and ok, that’s a true thing that happened. But I assumed that the joke everyone’s giving him credit for is “hey you guys are talking about getting into playing video games, and one time I also got sucked into playing a video game—literally” which if he doesn’t actually say literally and plays it casual to me would be a way better joke.

But imo Jeff Bridges is definitely not saying that real-life Jeff Bridges ever played a real-life video game, he’s just saying hey here’s a thing that happened to a character of his once. Yeah he might be sort of saying it in a light comic mode—in a humorous vein—but to call that a Joke is to diminish the whole raison d’etre of say Steven Wright

I’ll watch more of the interview but in the clip above I also don’t think Pedro is doing much other than being socially gracious and being on his toes ready to bail Jeff Bridges out of an awkward spot if it comes to that, which it didn’t at all, it was totally fine. But look Pedro’s face at like 12 seconds…those are the eyes of somebody who has no idea of what’s about to happen but he’s ready to be a gracious dude in conversation no matter what comes out. And then when it turns out Bridges actually made a coherent point about video games—Pedro obv knew what Tron was but imo didn’t in the moment totally follow the movie plot point Bridges specifically referenced—then Pedro sort of graciously yes anded it and here we are


You gotta be a movie buff to know the reference. Aside from Jeff Bridges these are television actors, which is a lower tier in the acting world in terms of talent


Is that even true anymore?

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To be fair the guy just watched 150 episodes of Magnum P.I. but yes lol

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tron is a popcorn classic, but it’s from the era of hollywood that hollywood would rather forget. junk upon junk through the 80s and 90s with only a handful of exceptions. tron was on vhs when the other actors at the table were in diapers. if they’re serious actors, they would be smart to have never watched schlocky 80s movies with a one hour 36 minute runtime.

Ok but


see, i didn’t know about it either. it can happen to anyone.

Not pictured: John Cleese as AskJeeves

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Just started Jared From Subway on HBOMAX and omfg :grimacing:

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Jared From Subway is quintessential Max.

That movie is so good. Aside from Clue lol. But just the cgi.

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I am so on it.


It took me a while. Got there in the end.

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Succession last ep.

I loved Roman losing it. For me it’s a reminder that despite all the politics and scheming this a funeral, people are sad, these are humans who actually feel things, and also, that they are still kids who were completely fucked up by their psycho dad.


Logan had a similar moment where he just lost his shit at his powerlessness. After the Pearce deal falls through the first time and he chases Nans car out

No spoilers, but my insta take is that Succession finale wasn’t perfect, but it landed the plane REALLY, REALLY well.