The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

You’re making me glad I dropped Yellowjackets early, the stuff that @dlk9s just described is annoying as hell.

I don’t hate it or anything. There are still entertaining/intriguing parts, but both storylines feel like they are being drawn out.

Did I really get 0 likes for that? Thats a solid joke


Yeah I laughed

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Max wont quit me.

My subscription expires Sunday which means I would miss the succession finale most likely but again when I went to cancel they give me three more months at half off. This is the third consecutive deal they have given me, for nine months total. HBO never used to offer deals, I guess it is the new reality of streaming.

Although I drive my tv through my laptop so I get the ad level service but don’t see any ads due to blockers.

9 months for $39 but I have so many other streaming deals to watch. HBO max keeping me hostage.

And that post above about opening max first before Sunday is spot on. If you use an app you need to download a new app. If it is a website you use, it switches you over to etc. so definitely check out max before Sunday night.

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Yeah I imagine millions of people downloading the new app and logging in at the same time isn’t going to go well. I did it yesterday on Roku and it wasn’t very intuitive - it would let me open the HBO Max app, but there was just a message saying I had to switch, no one-click to the new app or anything. So I had to go search it through the Roku app store or whatever. Then download and log in.

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If I search for hbo on my iPad the max app doesn’t even show up. This name change was so dumb.



A few other weird bugs. Streaming probably gonna be better than ever tho from so few people being able to use the app lol

It really is a perfect joke and I am tilted that it went over everybody’s head.

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Damnit now it bothers me. A table of ACTORS didn’t get that?

My favorite part about the joke was that I had no idea it was coming.

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I’m not convinced Bridges was making a joke.

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Not that we didn’t need more to laugh at max about but they totally screwed up credits.

Producers, writers, directors, show runners and creators are all listed as creators on every show.

Matt Weiner shows up as a creator of The Sopranos for instance.

No time table for fixing this and it might take a while.

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Does the full interview include more footage that supports this bizarre perception of the clip?

Everyone at the table gets the joke. Pedro even makes a joke on top of it!

I watched the whole interview.

Pedro not only gets the joke, he makes a joke on top of it. And it’s a good joke!

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I’m on team LFS / no joke: “I got sucked into a video game, you know”

if it’s a joke you say the whole thing casually or stress the I, but if you’re just reporting what happened you prob do what Bridges did and stress the sucked into. Agree that most of the table missed the point: Bridges is just referencing the movie plot but at least some of them think he means he started playing the video game Tron, probably because they’ve never actually seen Tron


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills in this thread. It was obviously an intentional joke AND nobody got it. Pedro in no way understood - he would have laughed. Plus, the Tron video games came after the movie.


That’s the joke lol what is happening

His joke references the cultural context of the movie at the time of release compared to the culture of today

His delivery is part of the joke

For real watch the whole interview.