The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

for me succession is overall the best show in years (though irl defending why I think it’s superb to friends who don’t really agree is tricky). I’m also horrible at keeping plots straight on my first watch and almost never get ahead of a good show, but a month ago I had a strong premonition that:

(prediction of a minor plot point that still might happen next week) (but probably not)

ehhhh ok I thought Greg was going to end up firing Tom, thus completing his arc as the show’s everyman character who shows what can happen when Good People™ are given entree to extraordinary wealth and circumstances; how easily a person can be corrupted and undone while simultaneously rationalizing all of it at a billion miles an hour. Also I’m not gonna be shocked if it turns out that life imitates art and real life Greg has douchebag tendencies, as opposed to say Matthew Macfadyen who I (sincerely) think is just a dear dear world of a man

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Thought for sure an unrecognisable scruffy looking roman was going to go down under a police baton there for a second.

Lol maybe it is I just thought it was the three episodes

Only for shows that ended in 21st century for some reason.

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When I saw Catastrophe at 38, I thought for sure You’re The Worst would crack the top 30. Lost being on here but one of the best wrap ups with perfect character moments of any TV series ever gets left on the cutting room floor? Fuck that noise.

See, that’s where I think the show is headed.I’m 2 seasons behind and I’ve still sussed it out like a pro.

I agree with You’re the Worst, it should be on there.


My man! Always good to see some positive YTW talk. Its very underrated and deserves more chatter.

And I liked Catastrophe a lot, but pound for pound YTW is a better show

Really enjoyed both shows a lot. But I also would rank YTW higher as an overall show. Miss that show.

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got the gf watching 6 Feet Under, she’s never seen it (also that finale should be higher on that list above)


Nope new episode tonight!

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Succession I think Kendall wins once the Ebba stuff comes out and maybe Gerri dick pics. Rava Roy is going to get Kay Adams hard with her kids taken from her by Kendall. Everyone else gets behind Kendall since they will be axed if GoJo passes. Maybe Colin has some dirt on board members. The show ends with Kendall as CEO and then last scene of the show is him getting pulled over driving drunk with coke in the car celebrating.

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Patrick Swayze too!!

Jolene Purdy/Cherita Chen also still kicking with a loooooooooong career that recently includes Orange is the New Black, WandaVision, and The White Lotus.

Search the internet for fan theories on Cherita’s purpose and you will find everything from speculation that she was sent here by aliens to spy on Donnie to more meta ideas that she is actually the one writing the very movie we are watching. Her presence in the film is so minimal that it’s easy to come up with seemingly limitless possibilities for her significance, though probably the most logical is that her character is meant to represent innocence as well as provide Donnie with an opportunity to show care and compassion for another person.


we just watched this one too earlier tonight

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OK I’ve had it on while working out and it does get better. Most recent episode was pretty good, and made me learn something about the whole chain of events I’m surprised I didn’t know. I am sticking with my criticism of Woody, and the show benefits greatly when he’s not 100% front-and-center all the time.

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As someone who’s read way too much about Watergate, this looks right up my alley.