The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I feel like what you want to happen is what’s going to happen. That’s my prediction

The Nazi wants a US CEO but Shiv’s liberalism is obviously a source of friction. Mattison doesn’t care about who specifically is the CEO as long as he gets to have the vision.


He was crying on the tarmac after Logan’s plane landed.

I’m not sure if you’re saying this in defense of Colin or to show he loved a monster, but my wife fully agrees with the former. Also, he has a kid! (she says)

Both, Colin seems like a good dude and he loved Logan. That’s not an indictment of Colin, he wouldn’t have seen all the bad shit Logan did, probably didn’t care about Logan’s politics at all, and Logan never would have had any reason to treat a loyal and dependable servant like Colin badly. Logan was perceptive and could be funny and charming and he’d know the value of someone like Colin to someone in his situation so he’d probably be careful to treat him well.

I’ve assumed all along that Cousin Greg will become king by the end, though I’m only up to S3.

He is the Bran Stark of the show so that checks out


-We know for sure that he knows that Kendall killed a guy and Logan covered it up.

-When Logan flipped out and fired the waiter at the ex wife’s wedding, Colin was the one who produced the paperwork for the severance package.

  • He certainly witnessed lots of the infidelity (and might have lied/obscured the truth to facilitate it).

Go back and reconsider how many times he is just chilling in the back of the room while big stuff is going on. He has probably overheard more clandestine conversations and phone calls involving Logan than almost anyone on the show. Now, you can argue that he is less culpable because he was a witness to a lot of the stuff rather than directly committing the bad stuff, but I’m not gonna buy that he was that close to Logan and didn’t know what was up.

Eta: and I think Logan did genuinely like him, but I also think some of his his value to Logan was related to how much dirt he had on the family.

I think the most charitable reading of Colin is that he is none too sharp and none too deep. “Like a dog without a master”.

Yeah, that is definitely one read, and if I were powerranking characters on the show, he’s far from the worst. But I’m also not going to strip him of all agency for sticking with Logan as long as he did and now apparently reupping to fill the same role for Ken

There are tons of people itt not caught up on succession!

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Logan didn’t hurt anybody!

Which the waiter was quite pleased with. I believe he said to Kendall something like he gets paid and the night off.

I don’t see Colin being interested in or engaging with or thinking about any of the stuff that doesn’t effect Logan’s immediate physical well being and the people immediately around Logan. A security guy like Colin wouldn’t even think about any of the business or political stuff, totally out of his purview.

This. I don’t think it’s complicated. He’s just the driver/security guy who spent a lot of time alone with Logan and developed a friendship or even father/son relationship with him. He’s sad he died and misses his friend.


You initially said that Colin wouldn’t have seen all the bad stuff. That’s a clearly false statement. He 100% witnessed a ton of bad behavior.

Now you seem to be saying he saw it but “doesn’t engage with it.” That’s a different argument and a reasonable position to hold, but I still disagree with it… The person who ignores the bad stuff is not be as bad as the one who actually does it but he still saw it, made a willing choice to “not engage” and by not engaging probably made it easier for that bad behavior to occur and for the principal actors to escape consequences for their actions.

Put another way (most recent episode spoilers)

Was Colin shocked by those eulogies? Did he listen to them and honestly think that those stories rang false or were inconsistent with the Logan he knew? I don’t think he was. And, if he wasn’t, then he at least knew about the dark side just like literally every other character on the show does

I mean the last sentence being true doesn’t falsify the first sentence. He doesn’t have the whole picture of how he treats his kids. No one outside the family does. I could easily see him rationalize Logan’s behavior, and Logan is a great manipulator and would have been working to facilitate that rationalization to make sure Colin is 100% on his side.

Sure? I’m not saying that Colin hasn’t made some questionable moral choices. Anyone getting paid big bucks to be a loyal servant to a billionaire would have to turn a blind eye to a bunch of stuff. And it’s interesting that Kendall’s lackey bailed on him in this episode and Colin was there to step in. For exactly that reason: Colin is comfortable with the amorality that role demands in a way that Ken’s brunette assistant (forgot her name) isn’t.

So my only point is that Colin really did love Logan, and Logan had a lot of qualities that made that understandable. And I don’t think that the amorality that Colin’s job calls for is some kind of hideous indictment of his character. You can judge him for it I suppose but make sure you judge Gerri and all the rest even more harshly. He’s just a workaday head of security pulling down half a mil a year.

Oh, I judge all of them, and I judge most of the rest more harshly. I just don’t see him as a lone good guy amongst the sea of bad people, and that was the vibe I got when people pushed back at me for calling him a transactional snake. I don’t think anyone can stay in the Logan Roy orbit for long and come out with clean hands.

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The colin character is a product of British stereotypes I think. Although I have no idea if the character is british.

I’d predict hes ex british special forces. Working class. Hard as fucking nails. Pretty standard character in British TV.

These are the guys are gonna be putting the British versions of us in camps in the fascist future.

Also. Colin was in Timecop. Guard no 1.

This is a high quality Follow omg lolololol


He’s American in Succession.

Is it over already??? I thought there were five episodes?

This is true but it also shows how pathetic he is. He threatens to lay in front of the car but then just kind of stands to the side. He just bursts out with ‘I’ll get a court order to stop you from leaving the city!’ and then kind of realizes how dumb he sounds.

He’s not a Logan whose force of character makes people do what he wants