The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Ya I just looked it up and you’re right he was on the second season. I think they had two Smoes the second season and one of them figured out something was up very quickly IIRC.

Anyways season 1>>>season 2 and if anyone hasn’t watched Joe Smoe season 1 I highly recommend it.

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class of '09 still pretty fun. there’s 3 timelines they jump around to, past present and future. the future is minority report but instead of shaved mutants in goo baths it’s a futuristic ai algorithm, which is so much more plausible i want to scream. kate mara in the future has a bionic eye and it’s cool af i want one bionic eye so bad

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Season three is also fun. They’re set to air season four next year.

There was a Joe Schmo 3?

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Yes, it came about 8 years later. It was a fake competition to become a bounty hunter with Lorenzo Lamas playing an insane version of himself.


“Lady Justice, can I come inside of you.”

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As you mention it, does she also have bionic nostrils?

Might have missed that one


That scene was god damn hilarious


Bodega sushi


Silo is probably my favorite show that’s currently putting out new episodes every week. only four episodes into season 1 so far but excellent sci fi worldbuilding. it’s a fallout-style vault with a huge central spiral staircase connecting 150 levels of a self-sustaining city. all records of the past were destroyed a hundred+ years ago. general agreement is they’ve been in there for hundreds of years. they know they’re underground, and there’s one stationary camera pointed outside showing the inhospitable toxic wasteland surrounding them in full 1080p.

i liked it so much i got the audiobook so i could get quick resolution to all the mysteries. and based on the source material and the production so far, i’m calling this one a Pending 5 Bags*


ted lasso is getting a lot of hate from critics and fans for having a bunch of dumb pointless episodes this season and those people are right. the bad guys are cartoonishly malevolent and are all easily defeated in a nice and gentle way. all our favorite characters are dealt minor inconveniences but they’re obviously gonna be fine anyway, and then with the help of friendship and togetherness everything works out even better than they expected.

the only good thing is sam richardson as a villainous nigerian billionaire, but it’s like 5 minutes of screentime, it’s not enough sam richardson to save it

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Meh I’m liking it still

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Beetlejuice’s word is bond :pray:

Don’t forget the graphic novels!

Richardson has lost some weight, too. I’ll watch anything he’s in.

I’m still enjoying Ted Lasso, but yeah, the episodes aren’t as interesting this season.

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O snap Silo stars Rebecca Ferguson I’m in, just activated my Apple account.


I think I had the gorgeous first book but never actually read it??

Just blazed through the first five chapters and am legit conflicted over whether to watch the show first.

Not that big a deal to wait to read the books. Just pretend like Beetlejuice had not made that post until the show is over :sunglasses:

Taking this back. Just finished part 1 and well there’s no stopping this train. Wtf.

They’re not following the books exactly and you’ll quickly get spoiled on a mystery that the show is milking through at least these first four eps

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