The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Saw this on reddit.


Two posts itt on Black Bird.

Dozens on The Bear


Just had the exact opposite of this reaction happen. Turns out Zeldaā€™s voice actress is VERY american. Would not have guessed it

Wow this is some messed up shit

Yea. I did appreciate the technical aspect of it. Doing basically a prank bit, but instead of a 5 minute short clip, itā€™s dozens of actors for a week or two. It must have been hard to pull off and fun as an actor to do. Ultimately it didnā€™t exceed my expectations. If they would have kept it low key surreal then it would have hit much better.

Hearing what the actors had to do was funnier than the script at some points. The guy with glasses had to wear prop glasses so for half the show he couldnā€™t hardly see, lol. The actors couldnā€™t drink until the guy drank and only could drink as many drinks as he did, lol.

They did luck out in having a nice guy be their patsy.

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They basically used this word for word

Whats better? Jury Duty or Joe Schmo Show?

I have almost no recollection of the Joe Schmo show other than that one famous clip. Iā€™m guessing Joe Schmo show was probably pretty crappy, but gets a boost from being original.

Jury Duty was well produced and an interesting concept, just think it was too over the top.

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All I recall from Joe Schmoe is that Kristin Wiig was on it before she was on SNL


Actually the dude who played him at the time seemed like an unbelievably nice guy. Not sure how long that stood up afterward.

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harp noises

I think in hindsight thatā€™s the foundational payoff for both series. The person has to eventually be revealed as having done extraordinary things or being an extraordinary person or having extraordinary character etc as expressed by them without knowing these situations were fake.

Itā€™s like one of the only payoffs that makes me think aw thatā€™s sweet instead of how horrified I would feel if someone told me the last three weeks and all the friends I made were fake.



I watched an interview with the Jury Duty guy and it made the show make more sense. The interview process to get on the show was really in depth, and they asked tons of stuff about what movies+TV he had watched (to make sure he wouldnā€™t recognize some of the actors) and they made sure to cast someone who had never been on actual jury duty before and wasnā€™t a lawyer, etc.

For a while I though the show was fake, but I think it was probably real. The fact that he knew they were making a TV show and may have intentionally cast quirky people would make some of the weird interactions make more sense. If it was real life with no cameras, Iā€™m sure his bullshit detector would have gone off more easily.

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Same thing happened with Joe Schmoe Show. They ended up getting a real nice guy as their main character. For a show like that, casting that one layperson is probably more important than everything else combined.

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Joe Schmoe show was pretty good. Was a bit of a cult classic back in the day on a TiVo/tv forum I was hanging out in at the time. Also a couple of the producers stopped by once in a while. They went on later to do Zombieland. As someone else noted Kristen Wiig was on there as Dr. Pat.

They were different at their cores as Joe Schmoe was a take off on reality competition shows and jury duty was disguised as a documentary. I would argue the later is harder to pull off just because editors and producers can and do heavily influence reality shows.


Iā€™m pretty sure though that from his perspective he was the only one that was cast. I read they explained to him that they were doing a reality show about jury duty, and he was auditioning but everyone else went through the normal selection process and then later agreed to be filmed. Otherwise it makes no sense why some of the people were trying to avoid jury duty (why audition for a show only to try to get out of it).

I do think it was ā€œrealā€ in that he wasnā€™t initially in on it, I just think that at some point he must have realized it was fake. Thinking about it more, one thing that makes zero sense - Marsden agreeing to assist with the ā€œsoaking.ā€ One of Marsdenā€™s traits they emphasize is that he is desperate to avoid bad press - e.g., not getting blamed for a big dump. Then all of a sudden, heā€™s just decides to do something with two people he just met, that if it got out would do actual damage to his career. And the mark just doesnā€™t even question that?

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Hmm, yeah good points.

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Joe Schmoe was must watch television for my group of friends. We would gather at my friends place to watch it every week.

I remember there was definitely some risk in the casting choices they made. Like for example Jonathan Torrens who played Gerald ā€˜The Gotta-be-Gay-Guyā€™ was easily recognizable by anyone my age from Canada for his talk show Jonovison. He also played J-Roc on Trailer Park Boys but I donā€™t think that show had gained popularity yet when Joe Smoe was filmed.


Kind of what I thought about jury duty. Kirk Fox has had a lot of bit parts in tvs and movies. Would have sent off alarm bells for me.

That was season 2, right? That was a much riskier show than the first