The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Her’s is much better than his, but there are certain rare spots that made me suspicious at which point I looked it up and confirmed.


Roman does seem to kill it when it comes to politics and running ATN. Logan probably does everything he did in the episode.

I watched a clip with Hugh Laurie who said he never felt natural or confident speaking on House with an American accent.

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I agree he went full Logan, but it felt out of character imo. Last episode Kendall looked like The Successor, this episode it was Roman, I predict next episode it’ll be Shiv.

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I think the main point of this season is that people with immense power absolutely do not ever stop being massively selfish shitbags (required to amass the power in the first place) unless institutions are strong enough to stand in their way, and that with the erosion of institutions USA #1 is in real danger of political and moral collapse. There is no invisible hand on the scale favoring justice, in fact the opposite is true. It’s hard to watch that shit. It’s almost like “yeah audience you laughed right along with these assholes for 4 seasons because their scumminess didn’t hit very close to home, well fuck you now watch what happens.”


Nah, he has no idea what he’s doing. He just thinks he can go full asshole and succeed. He thinks that firing people because he’s mad and going full Nazi is going to make daddy proud. I’m no expert on TV analysis, but it seems like the whole point of the show and its eventual conclusion is that none of them - the four Roy spawn, Tom, and Greg - have any clue how to manage life, let alone a billion-dollar business, and are mentally crippled by daddy issues.

Really, nobody knows what they are doing, not the Swedish dude who wants to buy the company, not the old executives - their wealth and the momentum of their massive, established companies keeps them hurtling toward perceived success.

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It was the same for me with Matthew Rhys. His accent is perfectly midwestern US in The Americans and Perry Mason. When I heard him in an interview with Terry Gross, he sounded like Scottish Twitter and I could legit barely understand him.


Not sure I would group the old executives in there. By and large they seem competent and did their best to manage all the personalities. The GoJo sale is their liquidity event to be done with all of this for good.

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Roman picked Jared to work at ATN and be president and both proved to be successful choices. It also appears that Jared is now going to screw the Swedes.

Jeryd worked at ATN?

No, actually that’s not true. They were just using him to increase ratings and make money. From the bathroom discussion.

Really? I think her American accent is off sometimes. Tom’s never is. Same with Kendall and Roman, perfect US American accents.

Yeah, I think so, a long running hint was his Dad’s nickname. Romulus. Hey what ever happened to that guy Remus, anyone know?

I just assumed Kendall got cucked by Stewie


Really jarring is Stephanie Beatriz playing Rosa Diaz on Brooklyn Nine Nine, then hearing her in real life with a valley girl accent.

Third rewatch. Last episode was brutal but hits so hard, especially in consideration of the fact that Trump is the front runner for the nomination again and is a coin flip (or Russian intervention) away from the presidency (again).


Did you find yourselves rooting against Shiv?

I wouldn’t say rooting against, but I knew her arguments were going to be ineffective against Roman. I also think that the show really wanted to drive home the cynical motivations behind her arguments. There is another version of this show that could have showed her opposition as slightly more principled even if still influenced by self-interest.

Yeah since the first season