The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Hated this week’s Barry


I notice you didn’t mention Woody and whatever the hell it is he’s doing.

I mean he’s the same as he is in most of his movies but i don’t have a frame of reference for Hunt so no idea if it fits this time :man_shrugging:

FX has been hit after hit for me so i saw they’ve got a new show so i’m giving it a shot. one of the main characters is paperboy from another FX show Atlanta. every scene i’m waiting for one of the other characters to say, “hey, you’re paperboy, right?”

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this is that FBI show, class of 09 or something?

yep. minority report kinda sci fi twist to it at the end of e1. hooked me into episode 2


Watched soft and quiet on Netflix after someone I read a lot mentioned it and wow that shit is a tough watch, very well done though all in 1 shot.

Edit: I mean the subject matter is tough

S2 of The Righteous Gemstones was incredible! Stoked for S3

Apparently leaving Netflix June 1 is Midnight Diner
Super mellow Japanese comedy/drama/slice of life. Under titles. 50 Appx 20 minute episodes. 1st 3 seasons are Midnight Diner. 4/5 are Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories

Not a great 4+ episode binge show. 1 or 2 episodes before bed is super chill.

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I’ve been watching The Night Agent on Netflix. Pretty good 24 style show with a few twists and turns.

This is a great show. I agree its not a binging show. Its an episodic feel good show, it doesn’t have an overarching plot with cliffhangers at the end of each episode.

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Why did they let Wesley Crusher beam down to the sex orgy murder planet? That seems like a bad idea.

Pretty sure the answer lies in his name ifyaknowwhatimean


That is a good bit. Get this guy to the Comedy Club.


I mean, I may have taken an improv class.


Like 20 years ago

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It shows.

For better or worse.

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Im gonna err on the side of optimism here and say thank you :)

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