The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

That song made me think they’re making a Fallout TV show so I was disappointed but yeah black mirror I’m stoked


I TOTALLY thought it was a Fallout show, too, thinking Aaron Paul was in a vault (despite the wrong color jumpsuit). There is a Fallout show coming to Amazon, though.

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This week, I finally checked out the most recent installment in an electrifying franchise. It’s the ongoing adventures of a young hero suddenly gifted not just with the ability to generate and conduct electricity, but the capacity to share that ability with other worthy people.

This of course is a tongue-in-cheek reference to the shared electric powers of DC’s superhero Shazam and the other teenage male capable of generating and conducting electricity. His name is Ryan, and he single-handedly delivers the biggest twist of this week’s episode of The Power.

Captain Sparklefingers

Circling back to the standup discussion, I really liked John Mulaney’s new Netflilx special “Baby J”. This is surprising, because I have not loved his body of work and I do not generally it like when celebs talk about their sobriety. But it’s more personal and less-polished than he previous stuff, and the sobriety talk seemed pretty honest and humble to me.

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Mayor Jerry Springer has passed after a long battle with cancer at 79 years old :confused:

Another toothpick


Beef. Started out slow but the payoff was worth it in the end.

Succession question

Was shiv drinking and snorting cocaine with Mattsson? I don’t think I actually saw her doing the coke even though it was in her hand. Drinking a small amount of alcohol is probably nbd, but I guess she could have been faking that too.

I think there have definitely been some scenes with her around booze prior to the pregnancy reveal (e.g. when they go out with Connor), but I didn’t go back and dissect those. Maybe some superfan has done that and posted results somewhere.

One more:

Have they explained why Connor has pretty much nothing to do with Waystar? And that he is so far out of the loop the other three won’t even speak about business stuff when he is around. I know that he has a different mom, but why would that matter?

If you watch closely it’s clear she isn’t drinking or doing the drugs. Just trying to cover it.

Thanks. It was pretty clear on the drugs, less so on the alcohol.

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I just rewatched the Mattson scene.
Definitely doesn’t do the drugs, but I think it’s a closer call on the booze. At the start of the scene, she is just holding the glass and it isn’t close to her mouth. Once he starts talking about the blood, she brings the glass to her mouth and appears to drink twice. Maybe she was still just faking, but I read it as she has generally not been drinking, but she was hearing such wild stuff that she either consciously decided that a few sips were ok or she temporarily forgot that she wasn’t drinking

He’s not on the board but Ken, Shiv, and Roman are. I think in season 2 or 3 he was saying something to Logan about maybe he wants a role in the company and Logan says something like well you were never interested in the business.

I think a small amount of alcohol during pregnancy is legitimately OK, but it’s not like you would count on a typical TV audience to be aware of that fact. My buddy’s wife is an obgyn and she would have a glass of wine on occasion when pregnant. In addition to that anecdote, I think there is actual evidence as well.

Wasn’t paying attention but Logan often was shown fake drinking. He for real drank sometimes too though.

Wasn’t Shiv doing some sort of political shit in season 1 and not involved in the business either.

Yes but she was made president a while back and got a board seat.

yeah, to be clear I think it is fine for her to have a little bit at any point. I just though it was interesting that the only time in that scene they show her even possibly drinking is after he brings up the blood.

Seems like a bit of a double standard. It’s not like Connor would have been given a chance to do shit. But it’s perfectly in line with how the Logan, Shiv, and Connor characters are written. So it’s fine that they did it this way, I just wanted a bit more explanation on why Connor was so far removed.