The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

We just finished this one two nights ago.

Its the first real episode to push the “absolutely everybody in this show is a giant piece of shit” narrative super blatantly. The only guy who seemed even remotrly decent in the episode was the guy who lost his eye to Richie, and he demanded $50 bucks and a blowjob for access to the VIP room. Im not seeing a ton of redemption coming for anyone at any point in this series.

Hell, the only person who is remotely sympathetic is Melfi, and she breaks roughly every established confidentiality law on the books.


I think this is fair for most middling shows almost no one will have seen or remember unless they are already fans.

But would say shows like Sopranos and the Wire are always subject to a community veto. Anyone can say hey stfu and it should be honored for GOATs.

Hard to believe John Albert Leguizamo has been playing the world’s most beloved dad for twenty years.

Or that his first time as a dad–if my numbers are right, and they never are–was in that Shyamalan movie The Happening wtf

John Leguizamo’s first movie as a dad + his latest tv show as a dad= The Power :smiley:

Sopranos Season 3. University

i think theyve said this a number of times explicitly. Mostly in conversations that Melfi had with her shrink and her family. Most explicitly I think Richard was criticizing italian gangster movies.

regarding this episode. They somehow create gradations of evil. Ie. ralphie is clearly the worst. But they kind of play with the idea that Tony is the good guy. Because he beats up ralphie for the murder (before his organisation covers it up) and feels bad about it. Even his interactions with Tracee are some kind of honorable code. I’m not sure how I feel about it. But I think they are either a) fucking with us, or b) doing the least possible to keep he main character likeable. Maybe a bit of both.

Power episode 4 is amazing.

i love the London Gangster girl. Such chaotic energy

What’s the release schedule? Is it really gonna be one per week?

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One per week. Nine total episodes.

Ratings are way up there. Almost a guarantee this will be a multi season show.

Almost done with episode 4 recap but a lot else happening first. I have a producer for podcast and video components now!! But also have other equally important commitments and just general limitations on forward progress except a little at a time.


I’m joining the Sopranos re-watch. General question so not spoilering: did this show get outdated or was their lifestyle supposed to be pretty average even by early 00’s standards? I remember it being somewhat appealing as a degenerate youth but now it feels like a really stressful way to afford a middle to upper middle class life.

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They are supposed to be comfortably upper middle class, but not rich rich. Theres lots of little references to other people having more money and how that feels.


Their real house has a Zestimate of $1.7 million plus Tony has a nice boat and seems to have at least $100k in cash stashed around the house and probably pays full freight for his daughter to go to Columbia

I think they’re doing pretty well.

My recollection is the Paramount series from some number of years ago was a lot more pro-BD’s. Like, comically.

I thought this one was actually pretty reasonable. I mean, they played the audio of Koresh talking about spreading fuel and hay, and a number of eyewitnesses saying the fire came from many places all at once. And they made it sound like the government was more incompetent than heartless after the first raid.

I think Chase estimated somewhere he was in the range of $2-4 million in net worth.

Yeah at the risk of derailing into another how much is rich in NYC [suburbs] that’s certainly still ok, but he’s near the top of his organization, dodged jail and death to get there, and needs to deal with 24/7 work and politics to stay there. The benefits for anyone lower on the ladder can’t be worth it. Just seems like an absolutely miserable life, ethical concerns aside. Also doesn’t help that his luxuries (cars, boat, electronics) depreciate like a rock and look absolutely silly 20 years later.

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Yeah. And a big part of the first season is Christopher basically being kind of broke.

Theres also this ongoing idea that the New Jersey mafia are small time compared to New York.



Sopranos spoilers for S3 finale

Holy shit, a wild Jigsaw appears!

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Ha… I just watched that episode.

Succession…holy fucking shit!

One of the best episodes of TV ever


Unbelievable. Ep 2 and 3 such a nice pairing