The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

We open with Toni Collette delivering an “I Am Iron Man” press briefing. The only difference is she won’t need an arc reactor to generate her Power.



I wasn’t paying attention until this morning.

The person I was arguing with was Christina Dalcher, the author of the critically acclaimed and extremely transphobic novel Femlandia.

X-Women, except 10% of the population.
I’ll watch because it’s my Genre. 3 episodes in and we’re just going public? Going awful slow.


This is a deliberate misrepresentation of the show by the book and the show itself. But that’s part of the premise. The Power is far more common than we are led to believe. It’s a show that will have you going wait WTF and racing to rewatch each episode like an early M Night Shyamalan movie.

It really reminds me of the first season of Game of Thrones. They chose to keep some stuff hidden that you would know on the first page of the book, but it’s very smart if they want this to be a multi-season story arc.

Wait until you see the rival factions of people with Power vs people who have none. Gender won’t matter.

This is eventually going to turn into what we wished we’d seen in the final season of Game of Thrones with different global power players taking each other on. They just haven’t gotten to the point yet of being powerful enough to notice each other.

For those on the Sopranos first time watch, important question.

Paulie or Silvio?

Watching this 4 part docuseries and it’s really great.

Fun fact about Steven Van Zandt: In both of his most widely known gigs–Springsteen band member and Sopranos character–his employer is literally called “the Boss.”


Uh, Spoilers?

I apologize. I will be more careful.

Yeah sorry RF but bailing on the power, the pilot was OK, but the “this season on the power” clip lost me, not going to watch religious torture porn of the black gal with pigtails which was 1/2 of it. Reminds me a lot of “Y the last man” which I made all the way through and regret it for sure. I’m gonna check out the book though.

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Party Down season 3


Not as a good as the original series but it still held up.

Except for Jane Lynch who was literally phoning it in for most of the episodes.

Did you read the original Y comic books? That series is a legit classic of the genre.

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Fantastic Succession

Just watched first episode of the power. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Havent read the book.

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Succession is the one show where I don’t follow 75% of what’s going on, but then something happens and I’m all like, “OHHH SHITTTTT!”

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Season 3 episode 5 sopranos visit the store Fountains of Wayne, same place where the band got their name.

Also so enjoying my first sopranos rewatch. Reminds me that the show is probably the GOAT for me.


Logan is also a Sopranos fan.


You talking about the divorce lawyer trick?


That’s okay. I appreciate you giving it a shot. The show resonates with me because of my background. I understand why it does not resonate with others. I give the same grace for stuff like Black Panther, Cool Hand Luke, and the first Wonder Woman movie. For some people, those movies resonate in ways I can only hope to appreciate.

If you want to just follow along, I am doing recaps for every episode. You might find that like most recap shows, you enjoy the recap as its own thing. Sometimes even more if it’s for something you don’t like!!

I read a lot of that series. I have been meaning to watch the show, which similarly took steps to update a gender binary premise that had aged worse than Trump’s feet. They had to find ways to explain how the virus would affect people who are intersex, third gender, two spirit, cisgender people with chromosome disorders, cisgender people with hormonal disorders…

Men vs Women seems like a fun way to tell a story if a gender binary has always been your default, but for anyone for whom white cisgender culture does not resonate, there’s always Bugs Bunny.

I’m working on a recap for the book too! It’s a really quick read and also a great audiobook if you want to give it a shot.

You may want to hold off on my episode recaps if you intend to read the book as I like to dive into the changes they made whenever the episode features something that changes the possible direction for the future story of the show vs what happened in the novel.

In the comic they somewhat famously never explain how the virus affected anyone.