The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

We are at S2E4, and he threw away any chance he had to schmooze with the Italians or see Vesuvius by getting fucked up on H during the episode. So he is pretty far gone right now.

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Deleting because I think you might be on first watch.

I am, yeah

I love when the gang goes to Italy lol


David Chase cameo in Italy! He sneers at Paulie lol.


what the fuck?

If anything it was a pro choice drama piece!

Sorry, let me elaborate. Obviously, Joel killing all those guys wasn’t pro-life, but the act, and also the fireflies not telling Ellie what was happening, went to show that offering people the choice is the only way to go


“She’s a firecracker. She’s crunchy peanut butter”

has to be one of the funniest ways of describing a woman. First time I’ve snort laughed in a while.


Series premiere for Amazon’s new sci-fi show The Power was outstanding. It will be the new Game of Thrones. Mother Eve will be the cosplay you begin to see EVERYWHERE.

Well, if the show lasts longer than nine episodes hmm

A wild Robert Patrick appears!

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A wild Jon Favreau appears!

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Is that based on the book where women can zap people? Maybe I should finish reading that

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Yep. I’ve got an exclusive recap series if you want to read or watch along. Will have fun insights into the book as well as chats with people involved with the show.

Just finished episode 3. We finally meet the transgender nun Sister Maria played by Daniela Vega from A Fantastic Woman (2017). This is the nun who in the book inspires Allie/Mother Eve to create a new religion free from patriarchy.

I’ve never been this excited for a show.

If you are a man and you’re put off by the premise–teenage girls suddenly develop the ability to generate and control electricity, and they can transfer it to other women–then please know that the gender binary part of the premise is part of the show’s point.

The Power actually manifests in men, too, as well as people who are intersex, non-binary, trans, and otherwise gender non-conforming.

This show is for all men, too.

On a related note


Finished Only Murders in the Building S1 last night.

I thought it was a lot of fun. Will probably watch S2 sometime soon.


It’s true. It’s all true.

Lol I feel like I made it when bigots start referencing my articles in order to take their shats


Sopranos rewatch. Season 3. Employee of the month.

on the one hand. I hate the fact they use a rape and the pain of a woman as a plot point. It’s kind of lazy. But in the other hand. What a fucking payoff. Last scene with her nearly telling tony and having the guy killed. Amazing television. Episode has a bunch of other great mini scenes. Ralph and Johnnie sack. The fat jokes. Jackie Jr and Meadow. Definitely a top tier episode.


Almost back to that episode. Looking forward to it.

I remember it being very powerful