The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

AMC is showing Godfather II with motion smoothing right now.

Dare I ask how itā€™s goingā€¦

Smoothly, I imagine




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Some would say a little too smooth

Like visiting all art galleries wearing strongly yellow tinted glasses.

Anyone watching S2 of Perry Mason? I havenā€™t started it yet, wondering if itā€™s worth it.

Pretty excited to watch the Waco Netflix series. I remember the Branch Davidian incident from when I was a kid. Iā€™m really interested to see how different it is from what I remember. I was a member at a fundamentalist church at the time and I can remember adults in the church defending David Koresh


This is because fundamentalist conservative types are libertarians with respect to the government interfering with their activities. They will tend to leap to the defense of anyone else being ā€œoppressedā€ by the government because they want a free hand to do what they want to do, and will frame it as ā€œfreedom of religionā€ instead of just, you know, breaking the law.

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One comment that stuck in my mind was one of the deacons saying ā€œThe only thing the government has showed us is a guy reading from the Bible! They are coming after Christians!ā€ Even back then when I was really into the whole Church thing, I was skeptical of that take.

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This is a recent ep about Waco today. I learned lots I didnā€™t know.

Like the branch still exists and has strong Q crossover.

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The new season of South Park is excellent

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New episode of Picard is unreal good from the opening. Finallyā€¦Geordi!!!

Got a theory brewing about character reveals.

Beverly Crusher is the secret changeling. The real Beverly is already deadā€¦or held hostage and will be entirely different than who we think is the real Doctor Crusher.

Omfg the reference to Star Trek the Voyage Home is insane

Iā€™m enjoying it, itā€™s nothing spectacularly new, but is a solid crime/court drama with likable main characters.

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Tubi for real is an elite streaming platform


Honestly I was a hater at first but itā€™s clear Tubi is not fucking around. Look how hard that poster is, good lord.


Finished S1 of Sopranos. Officially hooked. Just one thing puzzles me about how the season ended:

Whereā€™s Pussy???