The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I mean they obviously won’t but at least the series had two 5/5 episodes


Jesus fucking Christ LoU!!!


If you’re feeling overwhelmed I can hold you in my arms and say I’ve got you baby girl.


Wtf? I’m sure they CAN but jesus 43 minutes isn’t enough. I want more!


I’ve talked to a to of people about this episode, and watched with a mixed group of friends. I loved the episode, but some of their reactions to Ellie’s big scene at the end has me a bit disturbed, for lack of a better term. I have no real issue with violence but to see some of my friends literally laughing and cheering as Ellie handles the trauma of sexual assault in a completely unhealthy way makes me question my sanity or the empathy of people around me.

I mean, that was a deadly serious moment to me, and even though the attempted rape is absolutely horrifying, Ellie’s fall was ALSO horrifying, and I was a little disappointed to see that fly over the heads of a few of the people I watched with.

Another interesting thing to observe was that myself and every female friend immediately clocked the pedo vibes that David was giving off, whereas most of the guys didn’t see it until literally the moment in the cell when David touches Ellie’s hand. Says something about our societal experiences…


I definitely didn’t feel it a cheering moment, I was kinda blown away by it, kinda disturbing for sure

i thought there were a couple pretty obvious clues that guy was a pedo
the fact that he wanted to kill Joel but insisted they take Ellie alive, he stopped the other men multiple times from shooting her even though she would have just been another drain on their already limited resources. the fact that he was a preacher. the way he interacted with the other girl whose Dad died, referring to himself as her new daddy etc, that was the most obvious one


damn she went full Lizzie Borden

Also it took me til after the episode to realize why I recognized the lanky bastard. Good for him getting some lines and screen time. He deserves it

its not at all a fun scene. I can maybe get behind some nervous laughter out of the catharsis of seeing a really bad dude get absurdly bludgeoned/hacked to death, but its certainly not triumphant.

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glad to hear by these responses that humanity isn’t completely dead, heh

To be clear, I don’t think my friends are horrible people, just maybe not the best at social/response cues. Bound to happen when you hang out with a bunch of neurodivergent people.

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Yeah, i thought it was very obvious. Another big clue was the behavior of the raiders from their group who stabbed Joe. the preacher also got a huge plate of food in comparison to the others.

Sopranos rewatch

knight it white satin. Janice shoots Ritchie. I fucking love this episode from start to finish. Introduction of ritchie Jr. Carmela being a savage. Some of the lines at the end. “We buried him on a hill. Overlooking a stream” furio and Christopher disposing the body. Not a second wasted in the whole thing.


Ellie has been through a shit ton of trauma in addition to the attempted rape so it’s understandable why she would have such a violent reaction.

This ep finally showing some of Joel’s darker side.

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I think it’s a sign of how strong the show is that the end of the episode would provoke such strong and mixed feelings in the audience. Ellie’s violent explosion is a superficial victory in the terrible circumstances AND it’s a tragedy for her character individually AND it’s a cathartic experience for an audience full of women that have been saddled with structural misogyny and associated traumas all their lives.


Wife and I have been watching Shrinking on Apple TV and enjoying it. It’s not too heavy on the Harrison Ford to its great benefit imo. It has flaws but is a very easy watch.

I just saw the first episode of Inside Man on Netflix. Surprised to have not heard anything about it, just stumbled on it. The premise (mystery-solvin’ death row inmate) and plot are not the most plausible, but the acting and direction is top-notch. Christopher Walz should be asking his agents why he’s stuck doing The Consultant and Stanley Tucci gets to do Inside Man.

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Yeah, that was indeed badass.

exactly this. Thank you for succinctly pinpointing why this episode was so good and so affecting.

Succession is gonna have a run for its money in the Drama category at the Emmys this year

loved seeing dussolier from the young pope show up in e8 of the last of us. this is probably what would have happened to him if he wasn’t stabbed in the guts in retribution for having a steamy affair with a narcotrafficker’s wife. spoiler alert in case you haven’t seen the young pope, which you should, and i’m sorry for spoiling that.

Midway through Season 8 of Seinfeld and I think I’m going to tap out of the series. None of the characters are remotely likable and I just don’t want to spend any further time with these people.

On the other hand, I continue to laugh hysterically through my third watch-through of Curb.

Larry >>>> Jerry