The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I would like to bear this man’s children.


Pine Barrens

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So many of his plot lines are stupid and add nothing to the show and just waste time that could have been better used. Off the top of my head - the story about his girlfriend with the baby where he gives away his bike, the story of his girlfriend where he torches his car, the story about breaking into school to go swimming, all the clubbing scenes. All are terrible and I’m sure I’m missing others.

Only decent one I can think of is him trying to get revenge against Junior.

Plan and Execution (could be recency bias)
Last Exit to Springfield
Remedial Chaos Theory

This describes like half the show imo. I enjoyed The Sopranos, but my one complaint about it is it seemed to set up a bunch of storylines that never got resolved or went nowhere.

Vito was a pretty interesting character that I’m glad they ultimately gave some good screen time to.

Someone check whether Kevin Feige was a producer for the Sorpanos

LoU is legit awesome. Just sayin’

My wife at the beginning of the ep:

I don’t want to see a flashback, I just want to know if Joel’s OK

At the end of the ep:

That wasn’t too bad


I don’t know if this is hot take or not but I’d say the weakest of main cast is Sil, he’s the only one that sometimes feels too cartoonish or overacted (ldo kinda as he is not played by an actor). Agreed that AJ is underrated and I’d say vital to the show.

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A couple things that stand out to me about the Sopranos are (a) how much seems to happen in a typical episode with lots of very short scenes and (b) how fleshed out the world seems to be.

When I was first watching the show week to week in my late teens early 20s, I was sort of the typical bro who thought episodes were disappointing if there wasn’t some high mafia drama going on, and I wasn’t interested in the non-mafia characters as much and I didn’t like Janice and all that there, but by the last season I came to appreciate ~almost everything, and now the mafia stuff is generally the least entertaining part of rewatches. Almost like Seinfeld, scenes seemingly about nothing plotwise is Sopranos at its best.

The worst actor is by far the son.

I may allow that on the technicality that in so far as I’d guess the actor playing AJ wasn’t really stretching much from who he was irl – like I can’t imagine that the guy who played Jackie Jr. isn’t exactly like that irl – but as far as what’s on screen, AJ is fantastic in almost every scene, it just doesn’t seem that way because one may be prejudiced against fat douchy spoiled kids.


@Riverman you watching this Murdagh show on Netflix?

My kids did theatre from ages 4 and 6 into high school and I can guarantee the kid that played A.J would have been the lead in at least 80% of the productions. You might be totally correct that he was the weakest link, but it’s like being the worst player on a MLB roster.


Not yet, is it good?

Unless there is new info it’s probably not going to hold my interest.

Seems like a standard Netflix true crime doc. I don’t know much of the details of the story, so I can’t say if there is new info. They are making the Murdaghs out to be a dynasty in their small town. First ep is about a young girl that died in the son’s boat.

Yeah. I’m definitely getting things from it on rewatch that I didnt the first time.

Tony and Juniors relationship evolution is amazing.

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Meadow was a worse actor than AJ. She had a few weird line readings that didn’t work. AJ was a terrific child actor and his later seasons were flawless.