The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

haha, this is how I feel when I say that Breaking Bad just wasn’t my cup of tea ;)

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Looks like overnights on Sundance. Idk about streaming.

Pretty removed from direct copganda. Little violence and all the perps are upper crust types. Without a rewatch I’m sure there is an under layer of it there.

The one Columbo episode with Robbie the Robot has a scene where this little kid delivers a sick anti-police burn that sends Columbo into the ether, it’s one of my favorite TV gags ever.

There’s also an episode where the deputy police commissioner is the murderer and several others where the perps are military men. In general the show is anti authority figures and social class lines.

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Here it is


when he’s on the cruise one of the cruise people says to him that he spoke to mrs columbo earlier and that she’s on the boat

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That tweet is like 10 years old

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People sometimes make up stuff to try to get Columbo to like them.

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The bad guy tries to kill Columbo’s wife in one episode, so I’m pretty sure she is real in universe. His cousin, on the other hand…

Clearly he must have been tricked by Columbo into thinking some other passenger was his wife.

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Columbo lies a lot for a lovable dude. But I believe his wife is real.

He’s not lying, he’s just having a mental break from reality. Def believes he is a real cop.

EP2 of Sopranos in the books. Enjoyed it much more. Pretty sure I’ll watch it through to the end.


IMO although The Sopranos has some good moments earlier on, it doesn’t really hit its stride until the end of season 2. And then it’s pretty much all fantastic, with some of the best episodes of TV ever.


I still haven’t watched it because I have tried to get through Season 1 on two occasions and been bored.

Watched Columbo Ep. 1. Pretty good episode of TV especially for 1968. Didn’t love the Columbo schtick so far, we shall see if it grows on me.

They tweak the character a little bit after s1e1

The Starkweather documentary series on Showtime is not good.

I enjoyed it from the start, but it really hit its stride latter half of S2 then was the bomb 3-4-5.

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