The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

S1 was great. Quit at some point during S3.

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iā€™m admittedly a weirdo about spoilers so itā€™s maybe just me but as a nonTLOU gamer I wish I didnā€™t know the probable locations of the last three episodes


Ya I am avoiding this kind of thing as hard as I can.

as long as Iā€™m being a grouch Iā€™ll add that the trend to subtitle everything really sucks for me, I understand some of the reasons itā€™s happening (e.g. when sound designers engineer movies specifically for the fanciest theaters it can lead to dialogue thatā€™s way harder to hear on home systems), but tldr if there are subtitles on the screen then it is medically impossible for me to not read them. But reading a movie in english sucks; english motherfucker I do speak it and Iā€™d rather be looking at the mise en scene and shit

if someone wants a nobel prize then invent an audio setting where I can set a volume range, at one end being the quietest dialogue volume I want and the other end being the maximum volume I want for anything, and once set, then the audio of whatever Iā€™m watching will get sorted out accordingly by robot slaves. I feel like an idiot getting tennis elbow from changing the volume so much midshow


What are you watching it on? You can always turn off subtitles unless itā€™s cable I think.

Blame Nolan for this.

Iā€™d try s4. Feels like theyā€™ve been reading Agatha Christie mysteries nonstop.

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yeah I mean how on tiktok etc the norm is posting content with embedded subtitles and the trend is def towards more subtitles in everything. Itā€™s partly a generational thing; plenty of 20somethings I know prefer to have them on all the time regardless. Pretty sure this is a well-established deal, tons of pieces online about it, itā€™s partly because of sound levels and partly because of phones and partly because trend is towards watching content more passively while multitasking and partly because we live in a godcurst postlapsarian cormac mccarthian badlands

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I refuse to watch those. No spoilers! *even though Iā€™ve played the game and know (generally) whatā€™s coming

If you donā€™t want spoilers definitely donā€™t watch the part of the trailer that shows

Joel slumping over on a horse with Ellie shooting at someone behind them

Why would anyone watch that?

I watch the previews but I already know the story so itā€™s different.

Great last episode although I didnā€™t love the zombie invasion part. Liked the little change of making Sam deaf.

Donā€™t threaten me with a good time

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Blue check isnā€™t verified anymore, it means you paid for a Twitter subscription. Gold check is verified. Yes, Iā€™m aware itā€™s confusing.

Watched the first episode of Cunk on Earth.

Itā€™s funny, but I donā€™t know if the schtick is strong enough for a full half hour. It seems like the sort of thing that should be a recurring 5-10 minute skit on a variety/sketch show.

Iā€™ll probably keep watching it with that in mind, just watching 5 or so minutes at a time.

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Ramsey stars in ā€œThe Last of Usā€ as Ellie, a teenager seemingly immune to the cordyceps fungus that has transformed the world into a post-apocalyptic landscape. The actor said that her gender ā€œhas always been very fluidā€ in an interview with The New York Times, telling the publication that she identifies as nonbinary and ā€œcouldnā€™t care lessā€ about which pronouns people used to refer to her.

And of course the GOAT continues to be everyoneā€™s Dad :heart::rainbow_flag::transgender_flag:

Ramsey also said that her costar Pedro Pascal, whose sister is trans, was ā€œsuper supportive.ā€ The two, she said, would regularly have conversations about gender and sexuality.

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Physical 100

the sand challenge seemed very cross fitish. I.e. there was a lot of value in being able to sustain effort at a high level for a long time without getting tired. Thatā€™s why I think the women won

In other news, Lux Pascal is gorgeous and how is it possible that two people from the same family can be so beautiful? Itā€™s not fair to the rest of us normal people, I swear.

crushing on both but also jealousā€¦

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