The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

From January 24 but lmao


In the show it’s a moot point.

She’s never even been in a car, and hasn’t driven anything

Cunk on earth is 5 bags


spoilers for the game??

That’s bullshit because one of the best bits in the game is Elle inexplicably knowing how to pop a clutch on a car. The game points out how weird this is and then never once explains where she learned this, which adds a fun little element of mystery to her character.

Wouldn’t exactly label it bullshit. I played through the game twice and I had to google it to even remember that part (it’s been a few years). Besides, in the game - prior to her story with Joel, Ellie attended a military prep school with Riley. It’s not inconceivable she would have learned it there.

It’s irrelevant to the show because Ellie has never been in a vehicle before. So they tweaked her back story, not a big deal at all.

Was that in the DLC? I swear the game proper never mentions it at all.

Yes, it’s the DLC. If you haven’t played it, it’s well worth it and it takes less than 3 hours to complete.

Mild to Moderate plot spoiler

It’s Ellie and Riley running around an abandoned shopping mall and tells the story of how Ellie got bit.

I assume the show is going to mine the DLC for a few filler episodes.

One of the upcoming episodes has the same name as the DLC

I think they’ll do it in one episode. I wouldn’t call it a filler episode. It is a part of the game after all.

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Grunching the last few days because I’ve only watched two episodes of The Last of Us.

Anyway, take no prisoners:

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I guess I am in the minority position of not being super interested or entertained by The Last of Us. The genre is kinda played out at this point to me. In the first episode, did Ellie stab the Fireflies leader in the stomach and cut off the other woman’s ear?

Your Honor The slow motion scene where the Baxters somehow heard Adam puffing his inhaler from 20 yards away was so bad but those two dinner scenes with the dog were amazing. I was entertained overall. Season 2 has been terrible so far and they probably should have just ended it after Season 1.

Interpersonal drama about finding one’s humanity will never be played out. Spoiler alert: the show isnt about zombies

No, the guy who captured Tess and his goons got into a shootout with Marlene, et Al. when they tried to sell the battery to the fireflies.

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Even to the extent that is show is (superficially) about “zombies”, it is so satisfying to watch this show after Walking Dead was one of the biggest TV hits of the decade. My entire experience of WD was thinking “if there was a zombie apocalypse, these morons are absolutely not going to be the last humans standing, they’re dumb as fuck and prioritize minor interpersonal dramas over finding shelter, food, and water, they’d all be dead within a week”. TLOU is a much more realistic portrayal of what happens in chaos, which is that the people that are willing to kill other people first seize power. The types of people that we’re running into in TLOU are exactly the kinds of people that would survive a zombie apocalypse, the people who, when it’s you or the other guy that dies, you make sure it’s the other guy.


What in the absolute fuck are these morons doing?

Zaslav is legit one of the biggest morons to ever run anything. Where do they find these guys?

I am not head over heels for The Last of Us like so many here, but the most recent episode was my favorite - the back and forth with Joel and Ellie was really good imo.

To be fair, Warner Bros has spent the last five years burning every shred of public trust and goodwill. The new CEO is just continuing the trend.

Ellie isn’t really working for me. I wish they had cast the daughter from episode 1 as Ellie’s part, she was great. But a lot of Ramsey’s line readings seem weird and forced to me, I don’t know.