The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

If you haven’t seen The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent yet, you’ll see Pascal’s comedic talents on display. He’s also reportedly quite a silly dude in real life.

To me it always seems like SNL lives or dies by the writing.


Oh holy shit the new cast looks awful

Sarah Sherman is awesome, but she’s not for everyone.

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I think so too, though Keegan-Michael Key also showed that the host having final cut on which sketches are picked can have a huge impact on whether a comedic genius is a comedic dud for a night. Thank goodness for Reboot.

Some Sarah Sherman SNL stuff:

This new show Extraordinary on Hulu is extra…err pretty good!!

Everyone gets a power by 18 years old…except the main character. Tons of laughs each 30 minute episode. Make sure to watch for the tag during every end credits for one final LMAO.

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Fargo is amazing. I’ve been enjoying it more than The Last of Us.


Wait, which season?

I’m just starting on season 1.


All seasons of Fargo are great but season 2 is a fucking masterpiece. I believe we get season 5 sometime this year.

I still haven’t seen season 4 but I loved 1-3. Some people didn’t like 3 as much, and I understand where they’re coming from, but holy smokes what a performance by Thewlis.

Seasons 3 & 4 are definitely a bit of a departure from 1 & 2 (4 even more so) but are still extremely good and maintain the Fargo vibe quite well.

I stopped S4 of Fargo 3 or 4 episodes in and never went back to it. I loved S1, 2 and 3 I don’t remember much about but I know I enjoyed them.

Oh god, no. I dont like any of that

Was season 4 the one with Chris Rock? If so, same. I really loved the first two seasons.

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Yeah it was, KC mob wars in the 50s or 60s type stuff was the setting.

We should make a list of shows that start strong and suddenly take a left turn into mediocrity or just plain awful.

Dexter and Homeland immediately come to mind, hmm must be a Showtime thing

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GoT has to be number 1 on the list.

Two ones that immediately come to mind that I really enjoyed and then fell off were Prison Break and Heroes.

Also, True Detective, but I feel it wasn’t really a series as each Season wasn’t really related other than using the same name.