The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Fuck me, man, Alice in Borderland S2 is even better than S1, which was amazing.

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Am I watching Last of Us? No.

Am I treating this thing with the same nuke it first protocol established in Aliens? Also no.

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Havenā€™t seen the most recent season but Iā€™ve enjoyed the later seasons of American Dad a ton. Itā€™s really an incredible show.


thatā€™s why the infected (I refuse to call them zombies because they are NOT DEAD) in The Last of Us are so scaryā€¦because itā€™s all based on one small tweak of real science.


Bojackā€™s writing is top of the heap, period (though perhaps a tad heavy on the references at times?). Think Iā€™ve watched the entire series 3 times, itā€™s just so awesome and genre breaking. But some parts of the series is definitely not for watching stoned to LOLOLOLOL at.

I did enjoy some r&m but this Roiland guy seems to be a pretty big pos



I feel like stoned viewing is super hard to recommend because itā€™s idiosyncratic. Like for me peak stoned viewing is nature documentaries or YouTubes of people playing Mario games.

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Motherfuck, I knew I recognized his face at the Golden Globes.

Im disappointed I did not piece 2 and 2 together

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ā€œBut these attacks do have a positive effect, since parasites like these stop any one group of animal from getting the upper hand.ā€

:flushed: :flushed:



I donā€™t watch Survivor, but I knew him as the real Ned Scheebly from School of Rock, which he wrote.

I enjoyed his performance in this role


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Finished S2 of White Lotus. Iā€™d say I enjoyed S1 more as an entire body of work, but the ending of S2 was amazing. Respect to all of you who fleshed out what was going to happen early on in the proceedings. I had no idea until the hints began dropping during the final couple episodes.


I didnā€™t have any interest in this until I looked at the credits and saw Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy.

So this is what they were working on besides Westworld. Neat!!!

I thought the trailer looked excellent. I also am a Jonathan Nolan/Lisa Joy fangirl tho. They write amazing stuff and Iā€™ll still insist Christopher Nolan needs his brothers scripts again asap.

Idk I always enjoy the ideas in Gibson books more than the writing, so I love giving adaptations a shot. His ideas are so big!!! He inspires the filmmakers to always swing hard.

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Watching first ep of Atlanta. My wife had a legit jump scare when Paperboy answered the door by pulling a gun on Earn.

Almost no discussion of the show ā€œYour Honorā€ in these threads? Just started, but it seems like it could be decent.

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Elite show. Youā€™ll enjoy it.

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Season one was solid. The performances are good, but parts of the plot stretch believability as the first season goes on. S2 is just starting now and Iā€™m still enjoying it. Cranston and ā€œClay Davisā€ putting in work.

ā€œFunā€ fact I learned from season 2 (not a spoiler). This is a thing that apparently still exists,rodeo%20in%20the%20United%20States.