The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Ill see if I can figure out how to send you what I have. I believe its AMC+ only and they may have already taken it off.

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Continuing our Apple binging while we have our three months free.

Mythic Quest: pretty elite. Think we’ve watched 11 episodes or so? The couple episodes that veered away from the regular story were especially good.

The Morning Show: very good, but episodes feel long.

Second episode of The Last of Us continues to deliver. That cold open was fantastic.

One thing I didn’t like is Tess getting kissed by the infected. That was just super weird. Also didn’t like how Tess couln’t get the lighter to work. The entire death scene could have been done better.

The show also needs more bricks.


Cold open had a Chernobyl feel to it. Awesome.
Agree with your other point too. This has been a strong first 2 episodes.

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Did you catch her earlier line about hw she never asked Joel to feel the same way about her that she felt about him, though? While the kiss is still weird, the choice to put it in makes a lot more artistic sense when you think about it as a contrast to her relationship with Joel. Also, it was kind of like the stalker was welcoming her into the collective…


I get that there are justifications for that scene to happen but it still just felt like too much forced weird and creepiness that the story just doesn’t need in my opinion.

Great episode overall but I also wasn’t a huge fan of the Tess ending. I guess the kissing runner was trying to speed up her infection or something? It seemed to realize she was already a part of the family since it didn’t just jump on and maul her. Maybe it will play into stuff further down the road.

Was it just me or did the clicker actors in the museum move in a way that looked silly?

Today I read a blog post about the Office that included this image.

Whi is the character in the back left corner? I feel like I’m losing my mind. Also the person right behind Michael doesn’t look familiar.

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If im not mistaken, this is a promo picture from the pilot. Those two appear at some point (no lines, I think they are just in the conference room at one point) and then are never heard from again.

The redhead was supposed to be in some kind of role similar to Meredith (who isnt in this shot, nor is Mindy Kaling) but she didnt work out


That’s John Cena

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Yeah, she was supposed to be Meredith, but she had to be recast because she wasn’t available when the show was picked up. She played Alice in the Brady Bunch movies and won a Daytime Emmy as a writer on Win Ben Stein’s Money.

There are a couple other women in the conference room scene in the pilot - they were actual accountants for the show who were thrown in as extras in the episode.


Looked good to me, I remember them moving like that in the games because it was so damn hard to hit them in the head unless they were standing still.


Pretty much exactly like the games. Also terrifying.

I love it. And four of the writers also played regular characters.

That pic is almost instantly recognizable as being from the pilot if for no other reason than how distinct Steve Carrell’s natural vs fake hairline looked as the seasons progressed.

It seems like they were making a real effort in this episode to establish a mythology for the zombies to give the Bad Guys some more depth. The “connectedness” of them is revealed with some heavy handed expository dialogue, and then of course that aspect is central to the plot at the end causing the zombies to storm the building. Combined with the bizarre kissing, I guess the main point is to give them some depth beyond being just mindless individual predators waiting for characters to stumble into the room.

My favorite casting story from The Office is that Phyllis (real name) was the casting assistant. She did a lot of the readings with the actors when they auditioned and the powers-that-be really liked her, so they asked her to addition. The rest is history.


Last of us

Gotta say I like the connectedness part. Was it like that in the games? Honestly can’t remember (only played the first one).

For last of us can we differentiate spoilers from the episode and spoilers from the game? I want to read episode stuff but don’t want game stuff as I never played it.

i never played the game either, i liked that the second episode gave more context into the origins of how the infections started, behaviors/expected lifespans of the infected etc.