The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Love 28 days later


I thought I did. Turns out itā€™s aged incredibly badly.

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Excellent, excellent. Another zombie movie bites the dust.

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What if I told you people are the real monsters


The Last of Us is not a zombie show/game.

if anything, the premise is closer to Contagion or Children of Men than The Walking Dead.

But thatā€™s not what the show is about. The show is about humans and our relationships.

Both of youā€¦just put on the cold open of the show and youā€™ll see what I mean.


The first 15 minutes are pretty zombie-ish FWIW, so if someone is curious about the show but doesnā€™t like zombies, Iā€™d say to just stick around.

I loooooved Station Eleven, so as far as post-apocalyptic relationship shows go this one has big shoes to fill.

by cold open i mean the very first talk show portion

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I understand what you mean. It is a limitation of mine that the presence of zombies is a genre-defining element for me.

But you were right about [redacted] so I am going to put on the cold open and seeā€¦ :blush:

the ā€œzombiesā€ arenā€™t even really zombies in the traditional sense.


Goddamnit :popcorn:

Amazing open.

Okay convinced wife letā€™s watch first episode and see. She is a nut for zombie stuff so maybe we meet in the middle.


I donā€™t think Last of US is going to fill the shoes of Station Eleven, if you liked Station Eleven. It was written as a novel that was adopted to TV and its style is very novelistic with different set pieces that lend itself to a novelistic feel. Last of US came from a video game, and a very good video game as far as video games go, but youā€™d be hard pressed to name one video game that could compare storytelling wise to a good novel. Theyā€™re just different animals.

Have you played it?

I canā€™t wait for this show to prove that storytelling in games can be just as good or better than anything in books or movies.


So far zero zombies and loving it :crazy_face:

Just gonna sit back and relaxā€“



Thank you


I had high hopes, but this lost me at the same point that every other zombie story and most post-apocalyptic stuff loses me.

Twenty years laterā€¦

Looks awesome and gonna check out the video game, but the showā€™s story isnā€™t to my taste.,405

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the whole point of that spoiler thing is to avoid the plodding exposition of most zombie things. Iā€™m kind of surprised thatā€™s what lost you, since it expressly avoids what makes most zombie things annoying.

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That makes sense. I appreciate that Last of Us avoids the stuff you find to be boring and annoying. It doesnā€™t do the same for me.



Iā€™ve played it and I think, if you were to measure it as a story, itā€™s superior to a lot of prestige TV. But the medium is part of the message. The reason why itā€™s better is because you spend a lot of time inhabiting the characters. You succeed with them, you fail with them, you spend a lot of time with them. That combined with some great writing means by the time you get to the end, the resolution really hits home. Translating that to premier TV might not be as impactful because you missing that part of inhabiting the characters directly for long periods of time. We only get a few hours with the characters at all. The translation part is what Iā€™m worried about. I could see how someone who hadnā€™t played the game might slot it into another zombie post apocalypse story, because thatā€™s what it is in the broadest strokes, the story is what elevates beyond the genre.

But if you like a more artistic quirky novelistic take on the post apocalypse then it might not scratch that itch.


Yeah, i think the season as a whole, which is expected to tell the story of the 1st game, will really hit the spot and redeem any perceived shortcomings put forth by the 1st episode. As has been said many times, this is a story about relationships, growth, choices, and consequences - and the journey is awesome. Iā€™m very encouraged by what Iā€™ve seen so far.