The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

I’m excited to see this. I don’t know the game at all but it filmed here for a year and I know some people in it. One of the sets was across the street from my office.

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15 minutes I am sooooo ready!

I’m really interested in how it does with people who know nothing about the game…

Oh that’s airing? Awesome. Will have to wait and watch with gf though.

I loved The Last of Us (the game), but I couldn’t get through the sequel. The gameplay was too similar and it started feeling like a chore.

Intro felt like a straight clone of the GoT into

Nice to see Bighead in the cold open


It really shows how incredible the original game was. Naughty Dog put together a sequence that could be remade shot for shot and work really really well on TV.


Yeah that was like a perfect recreation of the beginning of the game. I loved it

Didnt mind the few changes/additions at all.
They nailed it imo. No notes.

Not enough ladders

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I know absolutely zero about the video game. Was excited about this because, hey, new prestige show. And my kids were up for watching this as a family, which is a huge plus.

I am not sure whether just knowing that the source was a video game changed my feelings about it, but it did seem very game-y. Like “Ok, the next mission is to get across town!” etc.

The first fifteen minutes was pretty standard zombie movie fare and my wife tapped out, but she said she’d try again for episode two.

Will stick with it, but I think I’d give the first ep a 6.5/10.

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Finished White Lotus S1 and was not a very big fan of the end.

The first four episodes were a great mix of comedy and drama, and then the last two (especially the last one) just threw away almost all of the comedy and just went full drama. Really didn’t like the shift in balance.

You didn’t find a guy taking a shit in someone’s luggage to be mildly amusing?

I did. But that was ~2 minutes out of 60+ minutes.

Was there anything else even remotely funny in the entire episode?

As soon as I hear “zombies” I’m out. I have never understood the fascination and they just keep churning out content with zombies.


I think it’s more the apocalypse part that is the draw


I am with SirOsis though. Zombies are such a bore for me that I’ll pass on almost any but the very best. Even then, I’m usually on the struggle bus and get off at the nearest stop.

My one and only exceptions are 28 Days Later, Zombieland, and Marvel Zombies.

I’m not saying the rest are bad. Some of them are 10/10 movies. They just are not to my taste.

I liked iZombie, loosely based on a comic book and co-developed by Rob Thomas.

I tried to watch 28 days later again last year, and oh man. Would not recommend. 2/6 on the Norwegian scale.

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