The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

This site is usually pretty good regarding what is streaming where:

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This is a brilliant impression of a well-meaning liberal who started watching Breaking Bad in season 5 and had no idea what was going on, but knew it was cool and edgy and dealt with drugs and stuff.

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White Lotus keeps delivering!



White Lotus is so good at making you feel the desperate emptiness of these people. I feel sick after that episode.

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White Lotus holy crap so much tension this is getting good

Finale of Walking Dead was pretty good. A nice send-off.

Did the Zombies win?


Why haven’t you guys told me imperioli was in WL? Been waiting to watch until it was over to binge but that probably gets me in. OG poker sn was cmoltisanti for at least a decade.


With F. Murray Abraham as his dad

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I think I’m going to start bingeing this once the season is over. When does it end? Don’t want to accidently spoil myself by trying to figure it out.

White Lotus

Great episode for Moltisanti’s son though. You can live vicariously through him.
Simona Tabasco is stunning and hooking up with her is a way better result than the annoying assistant. Hopefully we’re not headed towards them getting together at the end, but it’s looking that way.

White Lotus Amazing. So much suspense, but what’s the deal with them making the assistant dress super awkward?

Strong disagree. The kid and the assistant were good for each other. At least in the medium term sense that they both needed to use each other to patch some deficiencies in their lives. He’s a smart, respectful, good looking dude, presumably great professional prospects. Her lottery ticket that she would throw away. He just needed to be less of a passive loser, as she essentially told him, and she was helping him learn how to do that.

Fast forward to probably next episode, Moltisanti is going to snap at his kid in frustration and shatter his fantasy. “Kid, that woman’s a whore” (strong NY accent). The dude is not equipped to handle that and he’s going to take all the wrong lessons from the experience, turning him down the path of his ancestors. It parallels Aubrey Plaza’s experience. Random events and misunderstandings can turn you into what you least want to become. The path to a well adjusted life with healthy relationships requires parlaying so much run good it’s frightening.


yeah, i am letting you guys test run 1899 because that first episode was quite slow.

It’s very slow, but they get 1 seasons benefit of the doubt from me because Dark was so good. It is starting to feel a little Lost (pun intended) but I have faith… for now. I do love the aesthetic and someone clearly gave them a budget but I’m not super hooked by the mystery yet (4 Eps in).

I keep thinking this is the new yellowstone prequel


Maybe that’s the big reveal at the end.


Realistically though, the ship had sailed with the assistant. She just wants to get fucked, she told the kid to make a move, he did (awkwardly), and then asked her to go back to one of their rooms, and she turned him down.

She probably wasn’t gonna hang out with him again, other than maybe a platonic pity encounter until the prostitute came along. If that’s how it ended for the kid, then he would’ve been crushed, spiraling further into the hole thinking he’s a passive, nice guy loser who will never get what he wants.

Now that the assistant saw him with an attractive local, her curiosity is piqued again, she sees him as a sexual threat, and will probably give him a 2nd chance. Even if Moltisanti ruins the surprise for him with the prostitute, I suspect it’s still game on with the assistant again, which will cheer him up. And anyway, getting free action from an attractive prostitute is pretty flattering in its own right (speaking from experience here lol).