The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Have you considered that maybe the kid was being ironic?

No, I didn’t get that impression from the story or PVN’s responses. Did you get that impression?

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Yes, that’s sort of what makes it funny.

Maybe he can clarify. He last couple posts would be hard to understand if you are correct.

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Low key, Heathcliff is kinda mid frfr.

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Reading your post, I think of common examples like “sick” means good or bad depending on the demographic. The miscommunication is not normally as vast or as important as this example where we get different interpretations amounting to something like “people will think you made a funny observation” and “people will think you are an incel.”

Good, we agree then. That was my point. PVN disagrees, as far as I can tell.

If I heard my son say “simp” I would not assume anything one way or the other, but would probably take the opportunity to attempt to talk to him about these subjects.


“I’ve heard people use that word in a lot of different ways. What do you mean?” might be my opener.

The kid is 16, not 6.

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correct. if you are around 13-18 year olds, these terms are not how online 30 year olds view them

No matter how many 13-18 year olds told me “bitches be crazy” wasn’t misogynistic I would still avoid it.

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Some of you guys are not even bussin even a little and it seems very mid to me, to be quite frank.


I am absloutely sure he’s aware that there are boomers that like to tone police everything the kids do and he’s also aware of the incel community and he’s probably aware that there are counterincels who think of literally everything in terms of incels and he’s ALSO aware that these people are a tiny, tiny portion of the population

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I think we’re kinda getting at the real issue here, obviously there are a lot of things teenagers do that I don’t do. Like, my 16-year-old is into 16-year-old girls. I, on the other hand, don’t have any interest in 16-year-old girls. I also don’t think he’s a fucking creep predator for being into 16-year-old girls. At the same time, if one of my pushing-50 friends was into 16-year-old girls, I would probably think he’s a creep predator. None of this seems particularly noteworthy or novel to me but it might to you.

What is frank? These new terms are so crazy to me.

It means you deadass frfr.


We’re talking past each other. I’ll take the blame for being a bad writer this time.

holy shit mcnulty is playing prince charles in the new season of the crown???

I know you’ve all been dying to read my review of this year’s show, and tbh I was pretty disappointed. I have seen much better underwear advertising extravaganzas.

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