The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

The entire idea behind it is being kind to women is weakness.


This is my understanding. Simps are nice to women. Non-simps (chads?) treat women badly and get all the women.

Important note: I am almost 50 and everything I know about this subject is from TikTok, and TikTok seems to think Iā€™m a lesbian.


It sounds like ā€œbeing nice to womenā€ is a necessary for not sufficient trait to be a ā€œsimp.ā€

I mean, would anyone call a normal man with a girlfriend a ā€œsimpā€ because he treats her well?

What if I told you guys pvnā€™s kid was being tongue-in-cheek?

being nice to women can get you called a simp for sure but the real correct usage of the term in my opinion is to describe a guy giving excess attention/resources/etc to women who are not reciprocating at all and they usually have absolutely no chance with.

these same types of guys tend to be incel-ish and have ā€œnice guyā€ syndrome where they think the most basic ass human kindness deserves a blowjob on the spot, so im sorta fine with the term


As I understand it, a simp is not just kind to a woman, but fawningly subservient to her, a beta male who treats a female as the alpha.

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This conversation is painful. Yā€™all arenā€™t even that old.


ā€œcringe,ā€ as the kids would say.


the point is, Darcy is absolutely a simp


thereā€™s a kind of startling generational divide between people in their mid 30ā€™s and even like 25 year olds. doesnā€™t seem like there would be but people my age had childhoods without being constantly plugged into a device and social media and the internet, if youā€™re <25 you have absolutely no recollection of a world like this.

iā€™m so boomer that until yesterday i thought ā€œongā€ was just a typo of ā€œomgā€ but it is short for ā€œon godā€ (no cap)

you guys are mid




Iā€™m younger than most here but I have no idea what all this stupid lingo means

I think dlk9s and LFS both have kids in the right age range to be tuned into this type of stuff.

Mine arenā€™t quite there yet, but my son has taken to calling everything sus.

Making a show about blockbuster in 2022 is a fine idea. Setting it in 2022 is insane.

Could have been a fun 90s or 00s nostalgia show

ā€œSimpā€ is like ā€œcuckā€ or ā€œbetaā€ ā€“ there are neutral ways to use these terms, but they are primarily used by incels and communities dominated by toxic masculinity. A young man using ā€œsimpā€ isnā€™t a reason to call CPS, but it would be a great conversation starter for a parent to talk to their kid about how certain terms have multiple meanings and we can sometimes be taken to mean things that we donā€™t intend when using terms with ambiguous connotations.


This was the premise behind the movie Be Kind, Rewind.


youā€™re terminally online if you believe this and need to touch grass

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ā€œcuckā€ and ā€œbetaā€ maybe, but simp is extremely mainstream

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Set aside the empirical claim regarding how often and by who the term is used more often. Maybe youā€™re right or maybe Iā€™m right, but itā€™s irrelevant to the larger point.

As this very thread demonstrates, there is some significant set of people that believe ā€œsimpā€ is primarily used by incels and misogynists so when a young man says ā€œsimpā€ and means [pvnā€™s definition], what his audience will hear some significant amount of the time is [cassetteā€™s definition]. He means something benign but communicates something repugnant.

My point is that this miscommunication is regrettable rather than cute or funny.

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