The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

through ep 6 of ken burns’ “the west” series on pbs via some super cheap sub on prime video. excellent series so far although I think it paints the us govt a bit too favorably at times.

Alaskan Daily is good for a network show. Odd that I can’t think of any shows that revolve around reporters. Seems like it’s a profession that lends itself to some amount of drama. You’re basically a detective without the power to pull a gun. You’re interviewing people, collecting evidence, and confronting people.

The Morning Show on Apple has some storylines about reporters I believe

Murphy Brown
NewsRadio kind of fits that but not exactly

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I thought the season finale sucked. We get it, women suffered a ton before modern medicine. We really needed to do this almost every episode? Also, the smug aunt is unbearable.

The Watcher

It felt like the show was written by someone with dementia and not in a good way.

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the patient

carell nails the landing. looking forward to season 2!


I read your spoiler before watching the episode and I was like WHAT? But now I’ve watched it. I think I was expecting something different, but it was very well done.

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all i can think of when watching the opening scene of the patient, im not sure i can take carrell seriously

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It actually might be somewhat explainable as House Velaryon is gone by the time we get to GOT (isn’t it?). And if all the black characters were Velaryons, then there are plenty of reasonable explanations for why there might not be any more in GOT. However, they’ve got a black Maester, so unless they’re going to make him a Velaryon too (which I guess is possible), then I don’t see how they’re going to square that.


Oh, never mind then. I don’t remember it ever being mentioned.

House Velaryon is in the ASOIAF books. Them being black in the show is probably to emphasize the unclear parentage of Luke and Jace.

House Velaryon is in the books in the main series but didn’t make it into the show. They were a Targ supporter during Robert’s Rebellion, as you might expect, so they lost a lot of influence and prestige after Robert took the throne and are not any kind of a big deal anymore. I think they fight for Stannis in the War of the Five Kings.

I’m annoyed that the older brother’s nickname isn’t Jake

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Might actually pay for that.

Weird. Matthew Perry takes two random shots at Keanu in his book.


Watched the fastest woman on earth doc on HBO. It’s quite a weird ride. I didn’t really love it but if you want something that makes you think about life, mortality and how much risk is worth it, it’s an interesting watch. The end was something else and it was the rare documentary it wasn’t clear what i thought or was even supposed to feel.

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