The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert


No, it’s to be implied that it was caused by hearing the new of Aegon’s coronation.

Ok that was my second thought.

The fact that she screamed at it to “Get out” and wouldnt let the midwives help led me in the other direction.

I guess I’ll still spoil Watcher content but it seems like everyone’s either seen it or decided not to at this point:

One of the keys to all great stories is that characters are developed so that you understand their motivations. The Watcher throws this out the window and intentionally obfuscates literally every character to make you think “Is this character involved? Their actions here are super weird!”

The ending didn’t suck because it left the main mystery unresolved. You could build a great story with that ending. It sucked because it left the motivations of the characters unresolved. I assume people turn on the show when they realize that the majority of the characters presumably have nothing to do with the Watcher, they’ve just been written erratically because the writers wanted everyone to be a red herring.


I think the point of the birthing scenes is this idea of “the bloodline” and how it is tied up with pain and suffering, for women in particular and for Rhaenyra in particular.

I thought it was interesting that they portrayed Aemond as trying to hold Vhagar back from attacking Lucerys. I thought that was a bit odd as Aemond has been portrayed as a bit of a psycho and there’s no hint in the books of any lack of intent to kill Luc. I wonder if the point is what Viserys said early in the season, that the idea that they control the dragons is an illusion. In the same way Alicent and Rhaenyra now struggle to hold their children back from escalating the conflict, the children struggle to control their dragons.



I’d have to watch the scene again to make sure, but I thought that before Vhagar chomped apart the little dragon (LD, don’t know the name), LD had attacked Vhagar with fire while Lucerys was yelling at LD and discouraging the attack, something like, “No, no, obey ME!” Like both of the boys had lost control. I certainly got the feeling after that scene that ultimately the dragons are going to do whatever they want and they alone are deciding things.

I remember that one, don’t think I made it past S1. Early seasons of the walking dead were great 2p2 hatewatching content too. Heroes S2 was another that comes to mind.

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“No, Arrax! Serve me!”
This was followed by Aemond telling his dragon “no” repeatedly.

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I liked The Killing…

(both US and Scandinavian versions)

Same, especially the first three seasons. Season 4 was a bit meh.

I was living in Seattle at the time and the sheer volume of unending rain in that show was always very humorous to me. Its as if the people in charge had never been to Seattle. In my four years there, id describe the rain as a downpour maybe 3 times. Yet it happened in almost every episode of The Killing.

I forgot about that. Yeah, the show should have stopped after the first case.

I think it could have worked if it had continued on network, but doing a single season for Netflix at its infancy just didnt work all that well.

So why are you Team Green? Seems like an indefensible position tbh

Maybe he has a foot fetish?


I know I got banned from TwoP, but I forget why. I hang out on PrimeTimer a bit.

HotD was great! Can’t wait for the next season in 3 years or whatever.

Jokes aside, damn, what Martin created is fucking incredible. I can still sometimes viscerally recall how amazed I was as those books. Glad this series lives up to it, even if nothing will ever quite scratch that itch.

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What did she think she was watching?

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Looking forward to this. I hope it’s as good as Dark.

I haven’t seen the Killing but that sounds about right with the additional caveat that the Watcher characters are not even following the rules of normal human behavior. Like beyond just failing to provide any insight into their motivations they’re all written as if they’re mentally ill. But in the end it’s not that they’re insane or that their hiding an aspect of themselves that would explain their behavior, it’s just…??? Maybe they’re all just quirky bordering on psychosis? Like I think that’s what they leave you with. But who knows, it’s all just kind of hand waved away.

Yea I’m excited. Glad to see it’s coming out in around a month