The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

this review reminds me of when I watched dear zachary - which I do not recommend unless you’re preparing to be bummed out for at least a week.

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Seen it. Sort of similar vibes although FWOE is less depressing by a lot(still sort of depressing). If you like docs check it out.

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The Patient finale was A+ perfection. Truly elite tv.

Perfect ending song. Cohen was a genius.


It is a rule that scrubs from Ottawa are always jelly of their superiors from Toronto and become humorless curmudgeons as they get older. Another well known example is Dan Ackroyd who despised John Candy for years … and look what happened to him.

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I’m enjoying Guillermo del Toro’s Netflix show so far. Strong Tales From the Crypt energy. 1st episode was weak but 2 and 3 were fun. Really, really hyped for the episode that’s directed by Panos Cosmatos.


Heh. I was a big fan of 1 but thought 2 was meh.

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The Patient finale.

Thanks. I hate it.



“The world is very different now than it was 10 years ago when [ Game of Thrones ] all started. It’s different than 20 years ago when Peter Jackson made The Lord of the Rings . These types of stories need to be more inclusive than they traditionally have been, It was very important for Miguel and I to create a show that was not another bunch of white people on the screen, just to put it very bluntly.”

Hey look, they’re making my favourite novel into a TV series!

FX has greenlit “Never Let Me Go,” a drama series inspired by Kazuo Ishiguro’s 2005 science fiction novel of the same name.

The thriller series will follow Thora (Viola Prettejohn), a rebellious teenage clone who escapes from the boarding school where she and her fellow clones are kept hidden from society. As she starts living undercover in the outside world, she unwittingly sets in motion events that will spark a revolution and test the boundaries of what it means to be human.

A subtle, slow and opaque masterpiece by a Man Booker Prize and Nobel Prize for Literature winning author turned into… an FX thriller (which smells suspiciously like some kind of YA show) with a plot in direct contradiction to one of the central themes of the book.

There are not the words to express how hard I am going to pass on this. I hope Ishiguro got paid a good amount for letting them use the title of his book.

This was already an awesome 2010 film.

I don’t like the film much… but that’s usually the way when you love a book. The book is written in first person so you’re in constant contact with Kathy’s thoughts, makes it difficult to translate to screen I think. I definitely recommend the book if you liked the movie though!

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Feel somewhere in the middle of you for both episodes.

Liked them both quite a bit, but fell slightly short of what I’d call “great”.

Will continue to watch.

This reminds me of when they made The Dark Tower movie.

Holy shit did that suck

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Episode 3 is amazing though

Every adaptation is bad. Write something new, you hacks!

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Watched the first episode of season 4 of “The Sinner”. This show has always been weird, and it’s even weirder now. Maybe too much so for my wife, but I’ll stick with it just because. Some specifics

  • This season is set on a small island off of Maine. It’s immediately obvious it’s not Maine (turns out it’s Canada), and nobody has an accent. Maybe the chief of police is doing a slight tinge? But it’s crazy. Actual townies on small islands off of Maine are barely intelligible irl.
  • Harry’s wardrobe has always been strange, but what. the fuck. is going on with that vest, Jesus Christ.

The book was heart breaking IIRC. Movie too. I’ll look forward to this. Kinda spoilerish mentioning that they’re clones in the description IMO.

I’ve been enjoying Cabinet of Curiosities. Micucci one kinda sucked but the rest have been good. Two Lovecraft ones in a row coming up.

Yea the Micucci one, episode 4, was so bad I can’t believe all the actors I like signed up for it. It seemed so obviously bad that they should have picked up on it from the script.

I was thinking afterward, did Chuck Palahniuk write this or something? lol