The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

This should come as no surprise, but Walking Dead is not good. The second half of the final season started tonight and since I’ve watched the entire series, I feel obligated to finish it. As I said before, I used to love the show (pilot episode was elite, first season was fantastic, and there were several good seasons and some memorable episodes) and being on it was one of the great thrills of my life, but it really is shambling to the end. The pandemic and multiple long breaks did not help, as it’s really tough to remember what’s been happening or care about newer characters.

Also, the sound mixing was terrible in this episode. It was really hard to hear the dialogue.

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My god, is that show still on? Feel like it’s been twenty years.

Don’t Dead, Open Inside.


Wait, did Arrested Development not make this list at all?

They didn’t make a terrible mistake by leaving it off


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I’m on Aemond’s side.

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It’s been all downhill since the Vatos.

Even earlier than that. The beginning where Rick wakes up and has to figure out what is going on is cliche, but very good. As soon as he starts to meet people, and apparently all the people that survived the zombie apocalypse are the dumbest most self centered petty people ever, the show becomes too stupid to suspend disbelief. In the real world Shane is the only person that would survive more than a week.

lol Vatos was episode 4

I know!

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Ah, must have scrolled too fast. Seems like it should be higher, but I have to concede that being so short lived counts against it.



Boy, I sure am glad they decided to use the color palate from S8E3 for 60% of this episode.


HOTD Spoilers



Yeah that was annoying. I had no idea what the kid was looking for on the beach, everything was washed out and indistinguishable. Didn’t GoT have an episode like that too, where there was a dragon flying around and unless you had like the best TV available it just looked like chunky black boxes swirling around on screen.

edit: ponied because I must be thinking of S8E3

Yeah, it was “The Long Night” the episode when the Night king attacked winterfell and you couldnt see a god damn thing

I thought the color for the night scenes in HOTD was not good, but I didn’t think it was ever too dark to see what was happening.

For the long night, I think the color was good and it was intentionally too dark to see stuff at times. Which I thought was used to good effect but I get people not liking it.

It may be because I finally went into it with negative expectations, but I thought the dragons ep was actually excellent. The first 15 mins with little dialogue and the light going out progressively worked very well at setting the mood. I wasnt bothered by the darkness as I thought (for once) it made sense. If they manage to have one out of 3 eps or so to be this good I’ll be delighted.


I thought the episode was decent as well, but everything seems super rushed. it feels like we need more character development.