The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Pretty much my thoughts exactly. I thought they had finally set the stage and things were really about to kick off…

and then time jump and we find out that for some reason basically everyone has been doing next to nothing for 10 years. Daemon, one of the more interesting characters who seemed extremely ambitious, decided to retire to a far off land.

Now with the time jump we have to re set the stage for another 3-4 episodes and maaaaybe something finally happens to end the season.

If you had mentioned the 2 overly graphic birthing scenes you would’ve hit on every key point to mock.

Kidding aside, the latest episode was really good and tense as hell.

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Yeah man, the foley work in the opening scene was highly unneccesary.


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It feels like a standard sitcom, but with boobs and sewaring.

I think I agree with all of this, and I’m also annoyed at how abrupt it all was, but I still think it’s pretty good. I guess I’m the target audience. Or maybe the screed-writers are the audience? Either way!

Ugh Handmaid’s Tale. Need the willpower to just stop.

Is that show still adapting source material?

It cant be, right?

It has been off on its own for quite a while.

Everything after the first season is new material.

Oh, well that explains a lot

Ripped from the headlines time now.


What’s the deal with the now third oddly graphic birth scene in 5 episodes? It is like they are trying to do campy low budget horror movie gore. Also, why was RT so scared to bring the third boy to Alicent? What was she going to do to it? Why harm the third child and not the first?

About bolded. I agree that it’s kind of dumb, but immediately postpartum is a much better time to do it. All sorts of plausible reasons why a newborn didn’t make it with only access to Maester-level medical care. Aegon’s first son died shortly after birth without anyone doing anything to harm him. Totally plausible that it could happen to baby Joffrey too. So Alicent could have the baby snuffed out or poisoned or whatever and have pretty good deniability.

how bad has it gotten? I think we stopped halfway through S4


no spoilers here really I guess, except to say that they chose the perfect actor for this portrayal. I haven’t finished yet but got around to the end to see how they did it, and I think they try to paint him as a fairly sympathetic figure, which I think is wrong. i could be wrong though. They definitely rewrote a lot of history here. Like, his nextdoor neighbor being all aggro on him didn’t really happen. As she has described it in interviews, she liked dahmer and they kept each other company several times and even considered him somewhat of a friend, and was absolutely shocked to discover what was going on. That is like the complete opposite of how they portray her in the show. The person who called the police on dahmer lived in another building. I don’t know the reactions to this show because but I imagine they are probably worse than they should be. My only complaint is this rewriting of history. I don’t know it’s intended purpose - like, his neighbors having no idea is FAR more interesting than what they portrayed it as.

I have not watched the show and I don’t intend to, but generally pop culture portrayals of serial killers (and psychopaths generally) always leans toward comforting narratives and myths instead of reality. The reality of psychopaths is absolutely terrifying - they’re everywhere, they’re mostly bland people that blend in, and it’s virtually impossible to protect yourself from the damage they inflict. Making a realistic show about psychopaths is like making a show that just points out that every day people die in random car accidents. No one wants to contemplate that disturbing reality and we all go about our lives ignoring it.

I mostly agree except psychopath is not synonymous with serial killer, but most if not all serial killers are probably psychopaths. Many psychopaths are not violent at all. I know you werent saying that specifically but I just hear it all the time, even directed at me sometimes. /nit

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It did seem a little silly that Rhaenyra had to make a big spectacle out of making it up the stairs as if she’s protecting the baby. Alicent is just a nosy bitch that has to know immediately if the kid is Laenor’s or not. Also it’s just a way for her to piss of Rhaenyra which seems to be something she enjoys using her power to do. If she really wanted to start committing murders to cement her and her kids power, there’s plenty of better ways to do this.

I haven’t even seen Dahmer so I’m not going to spoiler this, but I very much doubt Dahmer was a psychopath. You’re Wrong About had an episode on him, when the police asked him why he killed his first victim he was like “he wanted to leave and I wanted him to stay”. Basically he was completely unable to do intimacy properly and doing stuff like cannabilism and keeping body parts around was a fucked up attempt to be intimate with people. This is all antithetical to psychopathy, a defining feature of which is that the only relationship they want with other people is adulation on the part of others. Not all mental illness which results in murder is psychopathy.


Yeah, I agree. I was just speculating about what might have been going through her mind, even if it wasn’t really rational.