The Television Streaming Thread: Part II - Hot Takes, Jags Fans, and Bert

Lol, I also thought you typed what and not where. Chernobyl not being top 100 is pretty bad

I just realized Beavis & Butt-head isn’t on the list, thus rendering it invalid.

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Not even sure about what you are pusing back against here. Are you seriously suggesting that ths US version was an improvement? Or that the conceit of a decade long documentary project about these people resonated in a cogent way?

Maybe there were a few funny jokes in there idk. But there are funny jokes all over the place. Like this website! Not that impressive really. If that is all it takes to be one of theall time great TV show then maybe it isn’t a medium that merits a lot of discussion.

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I am pretty sure that I saw a top 100 list on Rolling Stones once that left out Oasis. Unsurprisingly, they left a bunch of shows off the list entirely like Stranger Things, Narcos and Boardwalk Empire. I don’t give a fuck what they think.

What was this the top 100 of?

I think it was the 100 greatest artists.

Best places to encounter water in a desert.


Leaving Oasis off of an all-time 100 list that encompasses all genres and all decades going back to the 50s is 100% correct.


Oh shit, 60’s Batman and Police Squad! didn’t make the list. Fuck Rolling Stone!

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The Official All Time 100 Best Colours

  1. Red

  2. Blue

  3. Vermilion

  4. Green


Freaks and Geeks was great but I haven’t watched it in a long time. I don’t do rankings really so no comment on where it is on the list

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The Office was the 4th best comedy show on NBC Thursdays when it aired.

It’s aged a little better than parks and rec, but it was the lowest critically rated show in that block at the time by far.

I need to rewatch Police Squad!, that show was great.

All 6 episodes. I remember my dad getting quite angry when it was cancelled, like, I can’t remember seeing him more angry, ever. I was around 9 at the time, so that’s the impression it left.

2023? Argh, now that I know it exists I can’t wait that long!

Good fucking lord, christians are morons

They only made six episodes? Good god, what were the producers thinking, that was the funniest show ever.

Dragon show is pretty good. Happy to have some GoT back!

They were thinking that a show that debuted at #26 in the Nielsens and dropped to #57 in week four was on a bad trajectory.

Does kind of make you miss the old school satanic panic. The old school would have been like, “it’s called Little Demon, it stars Satan and the anti Christ. That’s it, that’s all you need to know, it’s Satanic.”

This guy is doing a 10 minute deep dive into every aspect like the occult is hidden behind the scenes and he’s exposing it. Why’s everything have to be like Q?